
  • 网络concrete art
  1. 近些年,现代设计不断从汉字的形体构成中汲取营养,直接应用到一些具体艺术形式中。

    In recent years , modern design continuously absorbs nutrition from the shape of the Chinese characters and applies it into some concrete art forms .

  2. 他创新的艺术表现形式对后来抽象风格的艺术产生了深远的影响,同时也丰富了具体艺术的内涵。

    His original form of art manifestation not only exerts a far-reaching influence on the later art of abstract style but enriches the essence of Concrete Art .

  3. 鲁迅的文学创作中充满了深沉的悲剧精神,浸透了一种浓重的悲剧意识,但在具体艺术表现中又有若干“亮色”。

    Lu Xun 's literary creation is full of deep tragedy spirit , soaked into a kind of dense tragedy consciousness .

  4. 意象批评是指我国古代文论中特有的一种批评模式,这种批评模式以介于具体艺术形象与抽象概念之间的意象来表达批评观念。

    Imaginary criticism is a distinctive literary criticism in Chinese ancient literary history , which combines concrete artistic image with abstract concept .

  5. 艺术精神&无论是具体艺术所彰显的精神,还是从具体艺术活动中升华了的艺术化精神,其最亮眼、最精粹的聚焦点都凝集在人与自然的融和上。

    Art spirit , the spirit contained in and sublimed from idiographic literature works , focuses on the harmony of man and nature .

  6. 比尔作为具体艺术在欧洲传播的重要领军人,把数理模式引入到具体艺术中,突破了艺术精神感知的界限,把具体艺术带入到一个理性的艺术世界。

    As an important leader of concrete art in Europe , Max Bill breaks through bounds of artistic spirit and brings concret art into a rational world of art through importing mathematical mode into it .

  7. 通过研究认为,其一,艺术创造主体创生良好的艺术符号完成具体艺术作品的创作工作,得力于对包括造物在内的全息资讯的经典选择。

    Though the analysis and researches , we formed three conclusions : First , the elaborate selection among holography information of GB helps the art creation subject to create great art symbols and achieve the idiographic art works .

  8. 设计要符合人的生理心理特征,并通过某些具体艺术设计形式,对不良环境所导致的心理失衡现象来进行心理调节和补偿,来达到心理生态环境优化。

    The environmental art design should be suitable to the characteristic of human physiology and psychology . The mental aberration phenomenon induced by unhealthy circumstance could be adjusted and compensated by certain special style of the environmental art design , and from which the optimization of psychological ecology is resulted .

  9. 针对具体的艺术门类,桑塔耶纳也有精辟的见解。

    Regarding specific art categories , he also had incisive views .

  10. 第二章具体探讨艺术特色方面的新变之处。

    Chapter II explore the artistic features of the new changes .

  11. 到了汉代,门神一词正式出现,并形成具体的艺术形象。

    The word " door-god " appeared in Han Dynasty and formed the unified artistic image .

  12. 在具体的艺术创作和评论中充满着自律和他律之间的斗争。

    It is full of struggle between self-discipline and other-discipline in the creation and criticism of art .

  13. 一般艺术学的研究应当是科学的、客观的和描述性的,而且应当作为具体的艺术理论与艺术哲学之间的坚实的桥梁。

    Furthermore , the general science of art should be a strong bridge that links concrete art theory with philosophy of art .

  14. 然而,在艺术发展的不同时期,在具体的艺术作品中,不免偏向其中一极。

    However , it is not biased in the concrete works of art during the different periods of the development of arts .

  15. 在艺术世界中,介于具体的艺术作品与艺术的一般本质之间的艺术现象,被称为艺术类型。

    In the world of art , something between the concrete works of art and the ordinary essence of art is called the type of art .

  16. 这使得观念艺术的意义不断拓宽,它在很多场合代表的是一种艺术的取向,而不仅仅是一个具体的艺术流派的名称。

    This broadens the meaning of " conceptual art ", which represents the tendency of art in many circumstances besides the title of a concrete movement in art .

  17. 事实上,过于细致地从概念理论上划分艺术门类是不尽合理的,这会大大局限艺术创作的灵活度和自由性,毕竟,具体的艺术作品才是真正艺术价值的体现。

    In fact , it is unreasonable to divide artistic categories in a too meticulous way , after all , concrete artistic work is the embodiment real artistic value .

  18. 这是因为在具体的艺术实践过程中我们对事物的感觉是可以相互转化的,并在一定条件下是可以使其转化和升华为美,并使人感受到美。

    This is because our feelings about specific art can be transformed when we put it into practice . Under some certain conditions , it can be sublimated to beauty , and make people feel about beauty .

  19. 皮尔士的符号理论对艺术研究尤其是中国服饰文化研究提供了另一种思想方法和阐释空间,而目前中国学术界对将皮尔士理论应用到具体的艺术领域中进行实践效应研究的文本比较少。

    Peirce symbols of art theory research , especially China apparel culture research provides another thought method and interpretation , and space for Chinese academics will put Pierce theory into specific areas of practice of the art of text effects less .

  20. 艺术家画在不同环境下使用,每个国家具体的手艺术。

    The artist uses painted hand art in different settings specifically for each country .

  21. 在具体和有形艺术设计之外,城市景观建构的还有广袤无边的精神场所。

    Urban landscape design is concrete and tangible , also , there is boundless space of spirit .

  22. 第四章以俯仰天地为文化视角,具体研究中国艺术精神的三维结构及其主要表现。

    Chapter 4 is revealing in detail the main content of three-dimensional structure in the spirit of Chinese art .

  23. 具体表现为艺术作品与日常生活之间的双向流动,最终变得密不可分。

    Specific performance of the two-way flow between the works of art with everyday life and eventually become inseparable .

  24. 学习和掌握马克思运用这一方法实现思维从抽象上开到具体的思维艺术,要提高学习和应用这一方法的自觉性;

    To learn and master the thinking skill from abstraction to concretion used by Marx , we should enhance our consciousness to study and use this method ;

  25. 我们排出了秀场上看到的十大最爱趋势,从明亮的蓝色眼影到具体的指甲艺术,下面展览上都能见到!

    We rounded up our ten favorite trends seen on the catwalk from bright blue eye shadow to detailed nail art see them all in the gallery !

  26. 从无形到有形,是脸谱意象营构的艺术规律,它把艺术家的审美体验变为可以具体感知的艺术形象。

    This is the artistic law of the construction of the image of facial sketch from an invisible appreciation of beauty to a visible image of facial sketch ;

  27. 人类心理的每一次微妙变化,会影响个体行为、社会认同,具体到设计艺术学领域,人类心理影响设计艺术的创新,并促发设计艺术实践活动的新变革。

    Every time the subtle changes of human psychology impact individual behavior , social recognition , and counter-productive in the art design , trigger a new revolution of art and design practice .

  28. 该文正是分析企业购并行为中文化整合对此的影响和重要,并提出了文化整合的具体方法和艺术。

    This paper is just intended to analyze the importance and influence of culture amalgamation to enterprise acquisitions and mergers ( A & M ), and several practical ways and skills are proposed .

  29. 同时,道教石窟造像以大量具体生动的艺术形象,表现了道教神灵世界的丰富内容,反映了道教神灵体系演变发展的历史情形。

    Also , Taoist Grotto statues , that have much concrete dramatic artistic forms , represent the rich content of Taoist immortal world , and reflect the history situation of the Taoist immortal system 's evolvement .

  30. 感染美既来自文本内容的真实,又来自文本具体生动的艺术形式,是文本真实的内容和完美、和谐的形式在审美高度上的统一。

    Affected aesthetics comes both from truthfulness of text content and from concrete and vivid artistic form of text . It integrates the real content of text with perfect and harmonious form at the high degree of appreciation of the beautiful .