
jù wén
  • dead letter;mere formality;write
具文 [jù wén]
  • (1) [dead letter;mere formality]∶空文;徒具形式而不起实际作用的规章制度

  • 上计簿,具文而已。--《汉书.宣帝纪》

  • 一纸具文

  • (2) [write]∶备文;撰写文字;文词具备

  • 直书其事,具文见意。--杜预《左传序》

具文[jù wén]
  1. 然而制度设计上的缺陷、实务操作上的不当及周边程序保障的不足致使这两项制度实效不彰,近成具文。

    However , the practical efficacy of these two legal systems is not that satisfied , because of the defects of designing , improper practical operation , and the lack of adequate procedural protection to parties .

  2. 较之走移植宪法道路的后发国家,于社会内部自然生长的英国法,没有外力强制,也没有沦为一纸具文,更没有成为其他权威力量的附庸。

    Compared with the developing countries which choose transplant constitution , British law grows from the interior of the society naturally and there is not additional force outside . It also does not become a mere scrap of paper or the dependency of other power .