
  • 网络concrete and abstract
  1. 实验组依联想性质分为具体与抽象二项,另进行一项对照实验。

    Experiment was divided into two items according to the categories of the associations : concrete and Abstract : A control item was conducted .

  2. 数学多媒体课件设计的特殊原则有:具体与抽象相结合,动态与静态相结合,数值与图形相结合,数学实验与活动交流相结合,展示数学美与数学欣赏相结合等。

    In these principles , there were some interchangeable principles in general , and some special principles for mathematics , which included the combination of concrete and abstract , dynamic and static , mathematical experiments and exchanging activity , and number and shape beauty showing and appreciation of mathematics .

  3. 具体与抽象在纪念心理表达中的应用

    Application of ' Concrete ' and ' Abstract ' in expression of commemorative mentality

  4. 4&6岁幼儿认知发展过程中具体与抽象的相互转化

    The interchange between the concrete and the abstract in the development of cognition in younger children of 4-6

  5. 六岁儿童在本研究课题范围内已能掌握具体与抽象的相互转化。

    Children of 6 can master the interchange between the concrete and the abstract in the sphere of the subjects of this research .

  6. 本研究探索4&6岁幼儿对具体与抽象的相互转化中认知发展的水平与特点。

    This research investigates the level and characteristics in the development of cognition in younger children of 4-6 in the process of the interchange between the concrete and the abstract .

  7. 摘要道教生命哲学以“道”为本源,认为“道生万物”,而人的个体生命与“道”之间是一种特殊与普遍、具体与抽象的关系。

    In the Taoist philosophy of life , Tao is the fountainhead of everything , and the relationship between human beings and Tao is that of the special and the universal , the concrete and the abstract .

  8. 人们习惯地把这些关系看作是现实具体与思维抽象的关系。

    People tend to regard these relationships as one .

  9. 浅析英汉翻译中词义的具体化与抽象化

    The Combination Of Abstract And Concrete In Translation

  10. 具体劳动与抽象劳动

    Concrete labour and abstract labour

  11. 在将具体行为与抽象声明相结合以便为实现者提供便捷时,特征非常强大。

    Traits are particularly powerful when they combine concrete behavior with abstract declarations to provide convenience to the implementer .

  12. 因文化和语言习惯差异,科技英语汉译时词义具体化与抽象化引申是一种普遍现象。

    Due to linguistic and cultural differences between English and Chinese , specification as a translation strategy is often used for dealing with abstract meanings of words in Sci_Tech translation .

  13. 结合案例分析,论述了英汉互译中对文体的忠实与调整的关系,剖析了在汉译英中具体化与抽象化翻译方法的实用技术。

    Combining case analysis , this paper discusses the relationship between faith to style and adjustment in the inter-translation of English and Chinese and analyses the applicable techniques of embodiment and abstraction in translation from Chinese to English .

  14. 关于医疗过错的判断标准,笔者认为应主要从具体标准与抽象标准两方面结合起来予以综合考虑,同时还应兼顾医疗条件、地区差异、医疗的专门性、紧急性等因素的影响。

    As for the standard to judge medical fault , the author deems that both concrete and abstract standard should be considered , and also we should give attention to other factors such as medical condition , difference between areas , technicality and emergency of medical treatment , etc.

  15. 本文通过若干实例探讨了科技英语汉译时对词义进行具体化与抽象化引申的方法和规律,以期对翻译实践类研究有所裨益。

    Due to linguistic and cultural differences between English and Chinese , specification as a translation strategy is often used for dealing with abstract meanings of words in Sci_Tech translation . In this paper , dozens of examples are presented to illustrate the methods and patterns of such transformation .

  16. 关于具体行政行为与抽象行政行为划分存在价值的几点思考

    Differences between Concrete and Abstract Administration

  17. 因此,具体行政行为与抽象行政行为的界定也成为行政法学研究中一个老生常谈的话题。

    Therefore , the specific administrative act administrative act with the abstract definition of administrative law has become a commonplace topic .

  18. 意象批评是指我国古代文论中特有的一种批评模式,这种批评模式以介于具体艺术形象与抽象概念之间的意象来表达批评观念。

    Imaginary criticism is a distinctive literary criticism in Chinese ancient literary history , which combines concrete artistic image with abstract concept .

  19. 同时,本文还对具体行政行为与抽象行政行为界定的现实意义以及存在问题进行了探讨。

    At the same time , the effect of the specific administrative act administrative act and the abstract definition of practical significance and the problems were discussed .

  20. 第二部分是通过对美、德、日相关规定的考察,概括出垄断协议豁免制度的基本立法模式,即具体列举模式与抽象标准模式。

    In the second part , basic patterns of legislation of exemption system are concluded after doing some research on the relevant provisions of USA , German and Japan .

  21. 其在我国环境刑事立法中应设立的种类应当包括:具体危险犯与抽象危险犯、故意危险犯与过失危险犯、自然人危险犯与法人危险犯。

    Its categories should be established in environmental criminal legislation including : concrete and abstract potential damage offence , intentional and negligent potential damage offence , natural persons and legal persons potential damage offence .

  22. 目前,关于具体行政行为与抽象行政行为界定标准有多种观点,都有其积极的作用和价值,但同时也都存在着一定的局限性和不足之处,没有形成统一的、规范的界定标准。

    At present , the specific administrative act on the abstract administrative acts and multiple perspectives to define standards , has an active role and value , but there are also some limitations and shortcomings , there is no unified , standardized definition of what .

  23. 在提供loadindex()和saveindex()实现的同时,具体的(与“抽象”相反)SomethingIndexer类从“mixin类”中继承SomethingSplitter。

    As well as providing implementations for load_index () and save_index (), concrete ( the opposite of " abstract ") SomethingIndexer classes inherit from the " mixin class " SomethingSplitter .

  24. 转换在于类比思维的存在,因而能使具体形象之间的意义,具体形象与抽象意义相互联系;

    By analogy , transformation could integrate diverse concrete figures or concrete figure with abstract meaning .

  25. 英汉文化对比应当具体化翻译中词义的具体化与抽象化探微

    To Specify the Comparison between Chinese and English Culture An Opinion of the Details and Abstraction in the Meaning of Words in Translation

  26. 具体性不仅存在于不同词性单词之间,同一词性的单词也有具体与抽象之分。

    Concreteness exists not only among different parts of speech , but also within the same part of speech .

  27. 分析了轭式搭配在具体语境中的语用功能,如幽默集言简意赅,集表层与深层、具体与抽象意义于一身,以及抒发感情、描写心理等。

    This paper probes the pragmatic functions of zeugma in concrete context , namely , humor , satirizing , concision and comprehension , conveying a deep semantic meaning through seemingly contradict structure and expressing feelings and describing psychology as well .