
  • 网络Specific attitude;concrete attitude
  1. 第二个姿态转变,涉及美国对华具体态度的变化。可以说,这是自冷战末期以来,美国首次承认一个实力相当或接近相当的全球伙伴。

    The second change in stance involves a shift in America 's specific approach to China arguably the first time Washington has acknowledged an equal , or near equal , global partner since the dying days of the cold war .

  2. 乔丹带有一种城里人不愿说出具体细节的态度,回避了话题。

    Jordan changed the subject with an urban distaste for the concrete .

  3. 其评价系统具体分为态度、介入和级差。

    Appraisal system consists of three subsystems : attitude , engagement and graduation .

  4. 学习者的语言学习信念并会引发具体的学习态度和行为。

    What a learner believes about language learning will trigger and result in a particular attitude and learning behavior .

  5. 研究结果显示TRA理论对品牌购买行为具有较高的预测有效性。具体来说,在态度中加入情感成分后,TRA的预测能力显著提高,但是态度的两维性假设没有得到证实。

    Specifically , when we add the affective components of attitude into TRA that the predicting ability of TRA has been improved significantly , but the hypothesis of two dimension attitude is not validated .