
  • 网络figural art;figurative art;concrete art
  1. 抽象艺术与具象艺术

    Abstract art and figural art

  2. 具象艺术已经经过印象派和野兽派的发展阶段,达到我们所称的抽象艺术。

    Figurative art has evolved through Impressionism and Fauvism to arrive to at what we call Abstract art .

  3. 我曾在许多类型的画上运行过Seurat,在抽象艺术和具象艺术方面都得到了有趣的结果。

    I 've run Seurat on many types of paintings , with interesting results on both abstract and representational art .

  4. 先进的科技带给具象艺术冲击并迫使人们重新审视真实。

    Advanced technology to representational art shocks and forcing people to re-examine real .

  5. 具象艺术的历史及其悠久,范围亦及其宽广。

    As the history of art and its long history , and its broad scope .

  6. 戏剧精神在日惹非常强烈,令各种具象艺术蓬勃发展。

    The theatrical spirit runs so strong in Yogyakarta that it has energized the figurative arts as well .

  7. 从布达佩斯彼得法尔克愚蠢的雕像到伦敦圣潘克拉斯车站非常媚俗的夫妇,笨拙地借口具象艺术是对公共空间的侮辱。

    From a daft statue of Peter Falk in Budapest to the colossally kitsch couple at St Pancras Station in London , clumsily executed excuses for figurative art are insulting public spaces .

  8. 仿生物形态设计是现代产品形态设计的主要方法之一,重点论述了产品形态仿生设计中的具象艺术与抽象艺术以及产品形态仿生设计中的文化艺术&意象设计。

    Bionic design of product form is an important method of modern product design . the figure arts and abstract arts in the bionic design , and the culture and arts in the bionic design of product form was discussed .

  9. 如果事实的确如此,澳大利亚和印度尼西亚的联合研究小组预测,“我们可以期待未来会发现人手图画、具象艺术,以及能够追溯到人类最早向全球扩散时期的其他一些成像艺术形式。”

    If that is the case , the Australian-Indonesian research team predicted , " We can expect future discoveries of depictions of human hands , figurative art and other forms of image-making dating to the earliest period of the global dispersal of our species . "

  10. 架上绘画超越了现代主义对传统的偏见,大胆地向西方传统具象艺术回归,同时将传统写实绘画与现代主义相结合,其结果是富有表现力的新具象绘画的产生。

    The painting exceeded the extreme prejudice between the modernism and tradition , regress toward western traditional figurative art boldly , and meanwhile , it combined all facts of modernism and traditional realistic art style , lead the naissance of new figurative art with more expressive force .

  11. 抽象派艺术所炮制的糟粕可以和具象派艺术平分秋色。

    Abstract art can produce as much trash as representational art .

  12. 贾克梅蒂具象表现艺术及其启示意义

    Jakmeitty ′ s Art of Expression of the Concrete Image and Its Inspiration

  13. 写实绘画是属于具象的艺术形态,是绘画的一种基本表现手法。

    Realistic painting is a representational art form , is a painting basic expressions .

  14. 传承与升华&具象表现主义艺术与中国绘画的因缘

    Figurative Expressionism in China 's Culture

  15. “新具象”艺术已成为现代绘画领域的重要组成部分。

    New Representational art has become an important composing part in the field of modern paintings .

  16. 地狱变相是佛教方便教化的一个独特艺术形式,同其他变相作品一样,用图画雕塑等具象的艺术手法诠释经文。

    The art of hell is a unique artistic form in Buddhism , just like other forms which explain the meaning of Buddhism with paintings and sculptures .

  17. 中国古典园林里既有富有深刻的象征意义的严谨、具象的艺术雕塑,又有具纯美学观赏价值的飘逸、抽象的置石。

    Chinese classical gardens , both rich profound symbolic stringent , with the landscape as sculpture , and the value of becoming a purely aesthetic view & the abstract Purchase stone .

  18. 具象表现主义艺术是指以具象为主体的艺术,用抽象表现主义的夸张和变形的形式,通过表达艺术家在视觉认知中对事物的认识来抒发画家对外在世界的内心真实感受。

    The art of Figurative Expressionism is the art that uses figure as the main body , that handles works with the exaggeration and the distortion of Abstract Expressionism , that is utilized to express the artists ' inner feelings for the outer world .

  19. 按照一般关于书法与绘画关系的论点,书法是抽象的表现艺术,绘画是具象的再现艺术。

    According to general views on their relationship , calligraphy is a kind of abstract expressive art , and painting concrete representative art , however , the same tools marry them .

  20. 在对这一课题进行研究的同时比较对传统写实绘画与新具象绘画的艺术观念、表现方法,以实现新具象绘画的超越。

    In the research on this topic at the same time compared to traditional realistic painting and the new figurative painting artistic conception , method , in order to achieve new figurative painting beyond .

  21. 二是具象绘画作为视觉艺术的一种,研究其建立在视觉经验基础之上的本体至关重要。

    Secondly , the representational painting is as one kind of visual arts , it is very important to study the essence which based on the visual experience .

  22. 随着时代的进步,艺术的脚步也从未停止过,具象油画作为绘画艺术领域的一元,它的艺术表现形式也更为多样化。

    With the progress of the times , the art will never stop , figurative paintings as a element drawing art , its artistic form has also become more diversified .

  23. 艺术家一直在不断拓宽具象油画语言的艺术表现范围,保持自己的原生态观念,在新的历史条件下,努力探索具有当代精神的绘画语言表现形式,使之成为绘画领域重要的组成部分。

    Artists have been widening representational painting art of language performance range , keeping the original ecological idea of their own , in the new historical conditions , to explore the contemporary spirit of painting language form , make it become an important part of the painting field .

  24. 具象造型归属于具象艺术范畴,是绘画的一种表达形式。

    As a form of ownership in areas like art , painting is an expression of the form .

  25. 新具象绘画以具象作为艺术的前提,用具象的艺术手法表达一种对艺术、对世界新的理解。

    New figurative painting takes the figure as the precondition of the art , expresses new understandings for the art and the world with the art way of figure .