
jù tǐ ɡài niàn
  • concrete concept
  1. 论具体概念何以是辩证思维的基本形式

    Concrete Concept as the Basic Form of Dialectical Thinking

  2. 具体概念所包含的思维内容是判断和推理的浓缩;

    The content implied in the concrete concept is highly condensed judgement and reasoning .

  3. 人类通过其他具体概念来认知时间这一抽象概念。

    We cognize the abstract idea of time by concrete concepts .

  4. 抽象和具体概念具有不同结构的表示框架

    Abstract and concrete concepts have structurally different representational frameworks

  5. 具体概念的成熟程度体现着辩证思维的成熟程度;

    The maturity degree of the concrete concept represents the maturity of dialectical thinking .

  6. 冯契的具体概念学说校务提升的概念及具体措施

    Feng Qi 's Idea on Concrete Conception

  7. 贫困又是一个具体概念。

    Poverty is a concrete concept .

  8. 最后,对B/S的开发模式进行思考,阐述云计算的具体概念和运用云计算给人们带来的优势。

    Finally , thought B / S mode and cloud computing brought some benefit for people .

  9. 对于游戏的具体概念,人们并无定论。

    Then the " game " is what the specific concept , which people are not well defined .

  10. 具体概念是辩证思维的基本形式,是辩证逻辑的主要研究对象。

    The concrete concept constitutes the basic form of dialectical thinking and the major subject studies of dialectical logic .

  11. 文章从体系结构、对应的具体概念方法等方面对这两种相似的技术做出比较。

    This page means to make a comparison between these two technologies from aspect of architecture and concrete concepts .

  12. 具体概念方案的提出为家用喷墨打印机的未来发展方向提供了有益的建议和可实施的目标。

    At last , suggestions and actionable goals of future family-used ink-jet printer trend were provided by the concepts .

  13. 所谓的具体概念、辩证判断是人们长期认识的产物。

    The concrete concepts and dialectic judgements so called are the outcomes of the human cognition in the long run .

  14. 在一致而百虑的思维运动中,逻辑思维通过具体概念能够把握具体真理。

    In the thinking movement of " consistence and different consideration ", logical thinking grasps the truth through specific concrete concept .

  15. 行为是分层次的,在不同的评价层次、不同的评价领域和出于不同的评价目的,行为的具体概念会有所不同。

    In different grades or different evaluation fields , or even for different purposes , the concrete concept of action is different .

  16. 而不具有确切和具体概念的音乐,它的具体性与不具体性,确定性与不确定性特点的音响,正好是人的初级本质进行审美感受的最好载体。

    The music without exact and specific concept is just the best medium of man 's primary nature to go on aesthetic experience .

  17. 他界定了具体概念的含义,揭示了具体概念的实质,阐明了具体概念的特点,探讨了具体概念的形成过程。

    He defines the meaning of concrete conception , reveals its essence , clarifies its traits and probes deeply into its course of forming .

  18. 在认识发展链上,前一个环节中的具体概念在下一个环节中成为出发点,即又成为抽象概念。

    In the chain of understanding development , the concrete concept of the first part becomes a abstract concept of next part as a beginning point .

  19. 二是从语言大脑神经网络物质依托的角度出发,论证概念结构是个有限的组织,它能产生无限的具体概念结构。

    From the Perspective of the physical basis of the neural networks , the conceptual structures , although finite , are capable of producing infinite concrete structures .

  20. 具体概念在辩证思维中的展开,使辩证思维的基本规律得以体现。具体概念在辩证思维中占有重要地位。

    The expansion of the concrete concept in dialectical thinking reflects the fundamental principles of dialectical thinking , hence the significance of the concrete concept in dialectical thinking .

  21. 首先,归纳人们在普世价值含义上的不同理解,进而阐释本文的研究视角,界定具体概念。

    First of all , summarized the different understanding of the meaning of " universal value ", thus explain the perspective of this study , define the specific concepts .

  22. 同时本研究还发现经济语篇中的隐喻源于人体经验,而且,抽象的经济概念是通过来源于物理世界的具体概念得以理解的。

    The study also indicates that metaphors in economics texts are grounded in our bodily experience and abstract economic concepts are understood by concrete terms from the physical world .

  23. 由于学者们研究角度不同,我国对于生态补偿的具体概念存在多种表述,由于依据不同,对生态补偿也存在不同类型的划分。

    Because of different angles , scholar pose many different conception of ecological compensation , because of according to different standards , ecological compensation is divided into many patterns .

  24. 换句话说,抽象概念和具体概念的区别在整个认识的发展中总是相对的,只是在特定的认识阶段上是绝对的。

    In other words , the distinction between abstract and concrete concepts in the development of understanding is always relative , and it is absolute just in a particular stage .

  25. 文章第二部分介绍了本文的研究方式、方法和研究过程,并对调查对象的选取进行了简要说明,同时还对本文中所应用的具体概念进行了界定。

    The second part is to introduce the means , method and process of the research , and briefly explain the chosen sample , and give the concrete concept in the paper .

  26. 这些意象图式可以被投射到目标域以表示不同的具体概念和抽象概念(如:空间、时间、数量、行为、活动和性质)。

    They can be mapped onto target domains to refer to different concepts including concrete concepts and more abstract concepts like space , time , quantity , action , activity , and attribute .

  27. 通过相关概念辨析、区域特征分析、水源问题诊断,给出中国东部平原河网地区水源地环境管理的具体概念及深刻内涵,明确环境管理的主体与对象、原则与手段、内容与特点;

    The concept extension and concept intension of environmental management for source water protection in plain river network are defined . The subject and object , principles and means , directions and emphases are discussed .

  28. 把文化这一概念分解成不同的具体概念,进行深入的研究,强调民俗的对比研究和历史、宗教、政治发展的对比研究对外语教学的重要作用以利于具体实践。

    This paper divides the general concept of culture into some specific concepts . It emphasizes that the comparison study of customs , history , religion and political development will have a key role in foreign language teaching .

  29. 英语和汉语的表达习惯以及对具体概念和抽象概念在表达上存在较大的差异,在英汉互译中对词义作具体化和抽象化引申是不可避免的。

    Considerable differences exist in expressive habit and the expression of concrete concept and abstract concept in English and Chinese . It is not avoidable to extend the meaning of words with details and abstraction in mutual translation of English and Chinese .

  30. 针对形象思维实质的不同论述,提出作者的观点:形象思维实质是想象,形象思维不是想象加思维,伴有形象的具体概念不是形象思维活动的基本单位。

    In view of different discussion on the essence of images , this paper proposes that the essence of images be imagination , images be not imagination plus thinking , " concrete conception followed by imagination " be not the basic unit of images action .