
  • 网络chagall;Marc Chagall
  1. 画家夏加尔认为他的犹太人气质对他的绘画作品有深刻的影响。

    The artist Chagall believed his Jewishness had a deep influence on his painting .

  2. 这些是夏加尔[俄国画家]的素描对吧

    These are the Chagall sketches , right ?

  3. 等等这种女人飞翔的形象很像夏加尔的画风

    Wait , that looks like a Chagall , the woman flying like that .

  4. 作品中的人与物的关系的密切性,一如夏加尔的描绘。

    Works and objects in the close nature of the relationship , as Chagall painted .

  5. 艺术经纬:第一眼看到你的作品让我想起了卢梭和夏加尔。

    Editor : The first sight looking your painting made me remember Rousseau and Chagall .

  6. 又以马蒂斯和夏加尔的作品为例分析了不同的绘画作品呈现出不同类型的对称。

    Used the works of Matisse and Chagall as an example of different paintings show the different types of symmetry .

  7. 年轻的夏加尔(原名摩西·沙加尔,后改了名)为了艺术,吃尽苦头。

    The young Chagall ( he had changed his name from Moses Shagal ) suffered a good deal for his art .

  8. 夏加尔的作品遵循一种永恒的可以适用于任何时代、任何社会的主题,而且这主题能使人联想到生活本身的持续性。

    Chagall 's work follows a timeless theme , applicable to any age or society and suggesting the continuity of life itself .

  9. 夏加尔一家人的尔后几年大部分时间是在四处周游中度过的,他们先后游历了荷兰、西班牙、波兰和意大利。

    The Chagalls spent much of the next few years on the move , traveling to Holland , Spain , Poland and Italy .

  10. 在纽约,夏加尔的油画变得色彩黯淡,作品反映当时的种种大事件。他还创作了一些最大的作品,后来又画了一些更加著名的油画。

    In New York , Chagall 's painting became bleaker , reflecting the events of the time , and he produced some of his largest and subsequently more famous paintings .

  11. 夏加尔被艺术史家誉为超现实主义的先驱,其独特的艺术风格通常被认为是梦幻与童趣的表现。

    Chagall is admired as one of the pioneers of Surrealism by art historians . Generally , his unique artistic style is considered as an expression of dream and children 's interest .

  12. 他被迫辞职,前往莫斯科,给那儿的孩子们上美术课,但不作画。1921年,夏加尔认清了客观形势而深感不满,携眷再度告别俄罗斯,出走柏林。

    Forced to resign , he went to moscow , where he taught art classes to children but did not paint . in1921 , recognizing that the situation was unsatisfactory , the Chagalls left Russia again for berlin .