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  • musical film
  1. 她有了第一张自己的EP《也。许飞》,第一个半自传体的音乐片《飞行日志。

    She has made her own EP If Fly and a semi-autobiographical musical film Air Dairy .

  2. 周四,华特迪士尼公司(WaltDisneyCompany)在年度股东大会上宣布了几项电影计划,其中最大的是《冰雪奇缘》续集。2013年,这部动画音乐片在全球赚得逾13亿美元。

    The Walt Disney Company on Thursday used its annual shareholder meeting to make several movie announcements , the biggest being about a big-screen follow-up to " Frozen , " the animated musical that took in more than $ 1.3 billion globally in 2013 .

  3. 然而,就在这部达米安?沙泽勒(DamienChazelle)编导的现代音乐片的制作人员和演员登上舞台、激动地发表致谢演说时,他们却被告知《月光男孩》才是真正的获奖者。

    But as the producers and cast of Damien Chazelle 's modern musical were on stage giving emotional thank you speeches , they were told that Moonlight was the real winner .

  4. 这部电影简直成了一部音乐片。

    The film has taken on the apparel of a musical .

  5. 这部音乐片在美国取得了巨大的成功。

    The musical was a smash hit in the states .

  6. 影片成功地再现了20世纪40年代好莱坞音乐片的欢快风格。

    The film successfully recaptures the joyful style of the1940s Hollywood musical .

  7. 它还摄制音乐片,即以音乐为主的影片。

    It produces musicals too , that is , films with music .

  8. 这部音乐片完美优雅而又富有风趣。

    This is a musical with polish and wit .

  9. 如音乐片和机械工具的一位搜集家。

    As a collector of musical and mechanical instruments .

  10. 电视音乐片的美学特征

    The Aesthetic Features of the Video Film Music

  11. 《西区故事》是她最喜爱的音乐片。

    ' west side story'is her favourite musical .

  12. 他一直在设法使电影制片人接受拍摄一部音乐片的想法。

    He 's been trying to interest film producers in an idea for a musical .

  13. 线上购物销售音乐片和敲打工具,加上来自独立的能带和音乐家的光碟。

    On-line shop selling musical and percussion instruments , plus CDs from independent bands and musicians .

  14. 由于近年来面世的音乐片普遍有失水准,一些人可能对该片持怀疑态度。

    Some might be skeptical due to the lack of quality movie musicals in recent years .

  15. 你在念什么大学?你应该知道哪首歌出自哪部音乐片。

    What college are you attending ? You should know what musical that song is from .

  16. 布莱德利·库珀也因其在该音乐片中的执导和表演而获得提名。

    Bradley Cooper is also nominated for his direction of and performance in the musical remake .

  17. 职业者的线上拍卖齿轮和音乐片工具!最好的齿轮交易在行星上!

    The online auction of pro gear and musical instruments ! Best Gear Deals on the Planet !

  18. 沙泽勒编导的音乐片《爱乐之城》是当晚的得奖热门,所获14项提名平了奥斯卡史上的纪录。

    Chazelle 's musical was the hot favourite going into the evening , with a record-tying 14 nominations .

  19. 一部好的音乐片集新戏剧、新歌剧和新歌舞剧于一体。

    A good musical is a new play , a new opera and a new ballet all rolled into one .

  20. 这部作品由凯拉•奈特利、亚伦•约翰逊和裘德洛主演,就像是一部没有歌唱的音乐片。

    This production , starring Keira Knightley , Aaron Johnson and Jude Law , is like a musical without the singing .

  21. 它还制作音乐片,即以音乐为主影片。每年销售的唱片达几百万张。

    It produces musicals too , that is , films with music , and millions of records are sold every year .

  22. 爱尔兰爱情电影《曾经》称得上是一部音乐片,但它与传统的好莱坞音乐片有很大不同,因为影片中的角色不会突兀地唱起歌来。

    The Irish romance Once may be a musical , but it is miles away from the traditional Hollywood idea of people bursting into song .

  23. 碧昂斯还出演了其他一些较为熟知的角色:在翻拍版《粉红豹》中与史蒂夫·马丁演对手戏、在以组合至上女声三重唱故事为蓝本的音乐片《追梦女郎》里担纲主角。

    Other high profile roles include a remake of The Pink Panther opposite Steve Martin and Dreamgirls a musical based on the band the Supremes .

  24. 电影工业利做音乐片已有几十年的历史电视问世初期,音乐节目一直是电视节目的重要组成部分。

    The movie industry has made musical films for decades , and musical programs haw been a staple on home screens ever since the first days of television .

  25. 一部现代音乐片。一个街头艺人,一个移民,二人在一周之内相遇,相知,并用音乐纪录下了他们这段爱情故事。

    A modern-day musical about a busker and an immigrant and their eventful week , as they write , rehearse and record songs that tell their love story .

  26. 这部音乐片改编自歌剧,它主要讲述的是一名在性方面很贪婪的年轻女子和痴迷并最终杀害她的情人之间的故事。

    That musical drama , like the opera from which it derives , is mostly known as the story of a sexually rapacious young woman and her obsessive , ultimately murderous lover .

  27. 一个令人兴奋的多媒体课程,您可以藉由听美国及世界各地的英文饶舌音乐片及我们提供的练习题来练习您的理解力。

    An exciting new multimedia course ! Listen to ESL based rap videos about current events both in the US and around the world and then test your understanding with the online quizzes .

  28. 赫本在1957年的音乐片《甜姐儿》和1966年轻松愉快的盗窃影片《偷龙转凤》中身穿的套装和羊毛裙都是纪梵希设计的。

    She became his muse , and he designed her suits and woollen dresses for the musical Funny Face in 1957 , and the light-hearted heist caper How to Steal a Million in 1966 .

  29. 周四,华特迪士尼公司在年度股东大会上宣布了几项电影计划,其中最大的是《冰雪奇缘》续集。2013年,这部动画音乐片在全球赚得逾13亿美元。

    The Walt Disney Company on Thursday used its annual shareholder meeting to make several movie announcements , the biggest being about a big-screen follow-up to Frozen , the animated musical that took in more than $ 1.3 billion globally in 2013 .

  30. 今年的歌曲名为爱在晨曦中(LoveatFirstLight),并配有音乐电视片展现新加坡最新热点,如在滨海湾(Bay)建设的耗资上十亿美元的公众公园Gardens等。

    This year , it is called ' Love at First Light , ' and comes with a music video highlighting Singapore 's newest attractions , like a new billion-dollar public park called Gardens by the Bay .