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yīn xù
  • phonetic ordering
  1. 您的应用程序能够使用MCI控制任何支持的多媒体设备,包括波形音频设备,MIDI音序器,CD音频设备,以及数字视频(视频回放)设备。

    Your application can use MCI to control any supported multimedia device , including waveform-audio devices , MIDI sequencers , CD audio devices , and digital-video ( video playback ) devices .

  2. 通过实现该接口,MidiEventPublisher看上去像将另一个到音序器的MIDI设备,从文件来调度MIDI命令,并将他们传送到发布者。

    By implementing this interface , the MidiEventPublisher appears as just another MIDI device to a sequencer which schedules the MIDI commands from a file and passes them to the publisher .

  3. 一种基于音序的双拼输入法方案

    A New Double Pin Input Precept Based on Character Sequence

  4. 全书提供音序、笔画、部首多种检字法,便于检索。

    Indexing methods based on phonetics , strokes and radicals are provided in this book .

  5. 按照主题数目、曲式结构特征以及所运用的复调发展手法,可将分别以音序1各音为调性中心的赋格分为三组,每组为一节。

    In accordance with the theme number , the structure characteristic , and the methods used by Polyphony development , the Fugue can be divided into three groups , each for one section .