
  • 网络Track;soundtrack;audio track;Audio
  1. 例如,本地Android设备上录制的音轨可以POST到Web服务器,其中将根据音频模式数据库比较数据。

    For example , an audio track recorded on the local Android device can be POSTed to a Web server where the data is compared against a database of voice patterns .

  2. 实际的影片文件是AVI格式,并且还包括授课录音的音轨。

    The actual movie file is in AVI format and also contains an audio track of the voice of the lecturer .

  3. 最近,美国有几项研究都发现,播放列表不仅是“我们生活的音轨”,同时也能作为合理的判定标尺推测出约会对象、求职者以及政党候选人的个性特征。

    Several recent studies in the US have shown that these lists are not only ' the soundtracks of our lives ' , but also reasonably reliable personality barometers and political candidates .

  4. CD音轨智能编辑转录的数学模型及递归算法

    Mathematical Model and Its Recursive Algorithm for Intelligently Editing and Recording CD Tracks

  5. 习语短语track音轨(指每一首录制好的歌曲)cut录制完成一首歌

    New words : one recorded song ( with or without people singing ) record and finalize a song

  6. 在某些使用CD音轨的游戏中存在声音问题。

    There are audio related problems on some games that make use of CDDA tracks .

  7. 还可以搜索频道,保存CD播放器上的音轨,以及快进磁带。

    It is also possible to search for channels , store tracks on the CD player and fast-forward on cassettes .

  8. 本文应用整数背包问题有关理论,对CD音轨智能编辑转录问题进行了讨论,提出了一个数学模型及相应的递归算法。

    This paper discusses the problem of intelligently editing and recording CD tracks by using the related theory of integer knapsack problem .

  9. “抓音轨”是指将音乐CD中的音轨复制到计算机或者是便携式音乐播放机当中的过程。

    " Ripping " is the process of taking a CD and copying tracks from it onto your computer or portable music player .

  10. 基于音轨特征量的多音轨MIDI主旋律抽取方法

    Melody Extraction Method from Polyphonic MIDI Based on Melodic Features

  11. 这就意味着音乐CD能提供高质量的音乐节目,通常情况下较少的音轨需要较多的存储空间。

    This means that while the sound quality of a CD is very high , a large amount of storage space is required for only a few tracks .

  12. 音轨模块文件的强大在于实际上它们可以嵌入高品质的PCM取样,确保所有的硬件上有同样的体验。

    The power of the Tracker Module files lies in the fact that they embed high quality PCM samples that ensure a similar experience on all hardware .

  13. Audacity可以处理大量独立的音轨和长时间录制,支持您混合一个复杂的程序。

    Audacity can handle a large number of independent tracks and long recordings , allowing you to mix a complex program .

  14. 在提交给美国版权局(USCopyrightOffice)的情况说明中,环球音乐、索尼音乐和华纳音乐声称,YouTube标志性的内容识别技术ContentID未能辨认出所有上传的未授权音轨。

    UMG , Sony Music and WMG have claimed in submissions filed to the US Copyright Office that Content ID , YouTube 's signature content recognition technology , was unable to identify all unlicensed tracks that had been uploaded .

  15. 家用THX技术的目标就是精确在现这些音轨。

    Home THX Technologies are needed to reproduce these movie soundtracks accurately .

  16. 使用它,您只需要几次点击就可以将您的DVD影片提取为较小的视频文件,允许您选择目标字幕和音轨,支持预览。

    To use it , you only need to click on several of your DVD Video films from smaller papers Tracks allow you to choose targets subtitles and support preview .

  17. ID3标签只能给出已载入部分的音轨时长。

    The ID3 tag gives you the length of the track only for the part that has been loaded .

  18. 主要包括MIDI音乐基本特征数据的提取、主旋律音轨的自动定位、乐句的智能划分和音乐情感的识别。

    It mainly includes : extracting basic musical characteristics from MIDI music , main melody track orientation automatically , phrase intelligent partition and music emotion recognition .

  19. 分析了如何将高品质DVD制作技术应用到省级气象影视素材库建设中的方法,以及充分利用DVD的高画质、多音轨、多字幕等相关制作技术为气象影视工作服务的技巧。

    This article introduces the method that high-qualified DVD technology applies in provincial meteorological video and audio material storage . The DVD technology such as high-qualify , multi-soundtrack , multi-character serves us for meteorological video and audio work .

  20. 假设您打开了一个MP3数据音轨,而在音轨中间的某个位置,您想要数据有一种特殊的“过滤”效果,比如添加一种回音音效。

    Suppose you open a track of MP3 data , and somewhere in the middle of that track you want to have the data " filtered " in a special way , perhaps adding an echoing sound effect to it .

  21. 要在xmms中的音轨发生更改时显示当前播放的歌曲名,请遵循以下说明。

    To have the currently playing song name display whenever the track is changed in xmms , follow these instructions .

  22. 在线数字音轨和专辑数据库

    MusicBrainz , an online database of digital music tracks and albums

  23. 为了达到有序的音源,只要将音轨升到第五音即可。

    For sequenced sources , just transpose the track up a fifth .

  24. 必须回到主选单,才能换音轨&这可是对遥控器的绝对考验。

    Having to go back to main menu to change a sound track .

  25. 这就紧密地加强了音轨,增强了混音器的活力。

    This can really tighten up the tracks and add life to the mix .

  26. 我们得分别做音轨,不!

    We need to mix the tracks separately.No !

  27. 乐队给自己的音乐做评论音轨

    Bands doing audio commentary on their own music

  28. 刚总结了一下评论音轨的事

    closing up about this audio commentary piece .

  29. 还有一些音轨是渐强的呼噜声和哺乳的声音,这是为了放松用的。

    in others , crescendos of purring and suckling sounds are designed to relax .

  30. 跳到下一音轨的键绑定。

    Binding to skip to next track .