首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 这种音乐节奏感很强。

    This type of music has a strong beat to it .

  2. 试论艺术体操运动员音乐节奏感的培养

    Cultivation of calisthenics gymnastics athletes ' sense of music rhythm

  3. 在新规则下,各国采用的音乐节奏感方面越来越强、越来越震撼。

    In the new rules , countries use more and more stronger and shocked in the music rhythm adopted .

  4. 然后,通过实验后测比较两组幼儿在音乐节奏感方面是否存在差异,进而分析。

    After teaching , through the post-test comparing the two groups of children , we can also determine that whether differences exist in the musical sense of rhythm .

  5. 通过实验前测确定两组幼儿在音乐节奏感发展水平同质后分别采用两种方法教学。

    Through the pre-test , we determine that the two groups of children in the musical sense of rhythm on the level of development are without significant difference , then , use different music teaching methods .

  6. 在授课过程中激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生音乐节奏感以及合理运用示范进行教学,其教学效果非常明显。

    With these purposes , the author thinks that it will have distinct effect on teaching , if teachers stimulate the students ' interest , cultivate the students ' musical rhythm sense and make use of models .

  7. 节奏训练是视唱练耳课的重要环节,现代音乐节奏感的培养更是新时期视唱练耳教学的核心内容之一。

    The training of rhythm is an important thing in solfeggio and ear-training course , and to cultivate the modern music sense of rhythm especially one of the nucleus content of solfeggio and ear-training course in the new era .

  8. 高师音乐教学节奏感的基础训练

    On Fundamental Training of Rhythmization in Music Teaching for Normal Colleges

  9. 这音乐的节奏感很强。

    That music has a strong rhythm .

  10. 为了检测婴儿的舞蹈倾向,研究者们分别给婴儿播放古典音乐、节奏感强烈的音乐和演说,并将他们的反应拍摄下来。

    To test babies ' dancing disposition , the researchers played recordings of classical music , rhythmic beats and speech to infants , and videotaped the results .

  11. 史诗的演唱充满了丰富的音乐性和节奏感。

    It is rich in musical melody and rhythm .

  12. 街舞吧。我觉得它的音乐很有节奏感。

    Maybe a hip-hop one . I think the music has a great beat .

  13. 如果你喜欢摇滚音乐,有节奏感,你的明星之路将从这里开始!

    If you like rock music , rhythm , your path will be a star here !

  14. 小男孩在这里所起的缓冲作用为紧张的故事情节增加了音乐般的节奏感。

    The little boy played here for the buffering effect of increased tension in the story of music like rhythm .

  15. 在汉语广告里,尾韵和叠音词能增强广告的音乐性和节奏感,而如对偶、顶真、回文诗、藏头诗等特别的修辞手法能增强广告的原创性和新颖性。

    Consonance and reduplicative sound words help enhance musicality and rhythm while a particular figure of speech such as antithesis , anadiplosis , palindrome and acrostic contributes to originality and novelty of advertisements .

  16. 理论上,李清照从词的本体论出发确立了词的独特地位,提出了“词别是一家”之说,认为词对音乐性和节奏感有更独特的要求,是与诗不同的抒情文体;

    Li Qingzhao is credited with the establishment of ci as a different genre , independent from other genres . She suggested that ci should follow more melodic and rhythmic patterns , distinguishing itself with shi .

  17. 在音乐活动中,节奏感更多的表现为对于规律的声音运动所具有的心理期待感。

    In musical activities , a sense of rhythm performance for the laws of sound movement the psychological sense of expectancy .

  18. 街舞在我国起步较晚,其音乐有较强的节奏感,动作的夸张等特点深深的被年轻人所吸引。

    Hip-hop in China started late , their music has a strong sense of rhythm , movement and other characteristics exaggerated deeply attracted by young people .

  19. 经验还原幼儿园音乐教学法能够促进幼儿音乐节奏感的发展,并在该种教学下幼儿具有良好的学习品质。

    Experience restore teaching method can promote the development of early childhood music rhythm , so that the child has a good quality of learning .

  20. 声乐语言是音乐化的歌唱性语言,通过音乐的造型手段使语言音乐化,使语言更富于音乐的旋律节奏感与歌唱性。

    Vocal music is the language of the singing language , music by means of modeling language of music the language is even more richly musical rhythm and singing nature .