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  • 网络True singing;rising sun
  1. 这个男孩要在舞台上真唱。

    The boy wanted to sing live on stage .

  2. 观众们愿意听真唱,胜过听放录音的假唱。

    The audience prefers live singing to recorded singing .

  3. 碧昂斯是真唱还是在对口型?

    Was Beyonce live or was she lip-synching .

  4. 用户'ChenJianqiang'评论道:中国有几个歌手真唱?

    One user ' Chen Jianqiang ' wrote : ' How many singers don 't lip sync in China ?

  5. 导演霍珀决定全体演员在拍摄期间要跟随音乐伴奏献上真唱。

    Hooper decided to have the entire cast sing all the songs live during filming , with live musical accompaniment .

  6. 有粉丝在媒体推特上对这位对口型唱歌的歌坛新星发难:“我们是不是要先暂停期待,假装她是现场真唱?

    Fans took to Twitter speculating the starlet lip-synced with one follower asking : ' Are we supposed to suspend belief and pretend she 's singing live ? '