
  • 网络proper class
  1. 本文研究了格H蕴涵代数的性质,给出了它的一些等价条件,讨论了格蕴涵代数类的真类问题和基数问题。

    In this paper , the properties of lattice H implication algebra are researched , some equivalent conditions about lattice H implication algebra are given , and the proper class problems and the cardinal problems of lattice implication algebra are discussed .

  2. 本文定义了∧结合bck-代数,解决了真类问题、真子类问题和基数问题,并得到了它的bck-部分是可换的bck-代数。

    In the paper , we define the associative BCI-algebras with operation ∧, and prove that its BCK-part is commutative BCK-algebra . The following problems are solved : proper class problem , proper subclass problem and cardinal number problem .

  3. 卵菌(Oomycetes)是一类形态上与真菌类似,而进化上与藻类极为相近的真核类微生物,也是一类重要的动植物病原菌。

    Oomycetes pathogens are a class of eukaryotic microorganism , being fungus-like in morphology and close to algae in evolution .

  4. 真丝绒类新产品&花乔绒的研制技术

    Development Technology of the New Product Fancy Georgette Velvet

  5. 真稳定类与辩论语义

    Proper stable class and argumentation semantics

  6. 设计了一种加权的水印检测器,可有效降低犯纳伪与弃真两类错误的概率。

    A weighted Watermarking detector has been designed , and it can improve veracity of detecting Watermark .

  7. 真的类分布相对自由,可以出现在句首或句中,只要有需要确认的内容即可。

    The distribution ofzh ē ndetype is relatively free , which may appear among the sentence or at the beginning of the sentence , so long as there something needs to be confirmed .

  8. 所有活细胞可以被划分为原核和真核两类。

    All living cells can be classified as prokaryotic or eukaryotic .

  9. 斯蒂芬可以合法地利用4分线的优势,他真是这类人。

    Steph could legitimately take routine advantage of a 4 point line .

  10. 创造分为真创造和类创造。

    Creation is divided into very creation and type creation .

  11. 有些词缀的各种用法之间虚化程度不一,兼有真词缀和类词缀的性质。

    Some affixes combine properties of " affix " and " class affix " .

  12. 你们那儿的人真信这类事情?帕金斯问。

    ' Do they really believe in that kind of thing where you come from ? 'asked Parkins .

  13. 如果任职总统期间,林肯真患有这类疾病,那如何解释他力量无穷无尽的体质?

    If any of these illnesses wracked Lincoln 's body during his presidency , how do we explain his inexhaustible physical constitution ?

  14. 但如果真出现这类新巨头,它们可能会站在当今的五巨头旁边,而不是取代它们。

    But if such new giants do come along , they 're likely to stand alongside today 's Big Five , not replace them .

  15. 在序列和结构方面,该菌与细菌类或真核生物类之间的相似程度要高于细菌类与真核生物类之间的相似程度。

    In sequence and structure , the similarities of the Archaea ( Ha . B2 ) with Bacteria or Eucarya are higher than the similarities between Bacteria and Eucarya .

  16. 本文主要介绍真核生物几类重要DNA重复序列的特点和用途,并对其在物种起源和进化、染色体分子指纹图谱绘制、分子标记辅助选择及染色体操作中的应用作了分析与介绍。

    The classification , features and functional of several types of repetitive DNA were discussed in this review . Application of repetitive DNA sequences in study of evolution , chromosome and were also illustrated .

  17. 如果真的有这类行星存在,NASA的类地行星搜寻者,以及ESA的达尔文计画等任务,将得以探测它们的大气,寻找象徵生命存在的气体。

    If such planets exist , these missions NASA 's Terrestrial Planet Finder and ESA 's Darwin should be able to scan their atmospheres for the presence of gases that would indicate the existence of life .

  18. 先决条件:真眼魔或类眼魔,至少一个超魔专长。

    Prerequisites : true beholder or beholderkin , at least one metamagic feat .

  19. 真核生物Ⅱ类基因的转录起始

    Transcription Initiation of Eukaryotic Class ⅱ Genes

  20. 商业银行信用风险评估中拒真纳伪两类错误的平衡控制研究

    Study on the Tradeoff Problem of Two Types of Errors for Credit Risk Assessment in Commercial Banks

  21. 全文共围绕了二个问题进行了展开,利率调整是否真的对地产类股票价格产生了影响?

    The paper around two problems , adjustment of interest rate really had an impact on stock price ?

  22. 笔者引用萨瓦斯的理论,即公共服务体系中的生产者和安排者是除消费真之外的两类角色。

    According to the theory of E. S. Savas , in the public service system , producer and deployer are two kinds of roles in addition to consumer supply of public product system and institution arrangement .

  23. t-PA基因克隆、真核表达载体的构建及其在在体小血管吻合口中的表达肌动蛋白与真核生物的进化真核微生物的类金属硫蛋白

    Cloning of Human Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator ( t-PA ) cDNA , Construction of Its Eukaryotic Expression Vector and Its Expression in in Vivo Small-diameter Vascular Anastomotic Sites