
  • 网络Silk carpet
  1. 不过,那块真丝地毯多少钱啊?

    Anyway , how much is that silk carpet ?

  2. 本公司是上海最专业的真丝地毯生产商和销售商之一。

    Our company is the most professional manufacturer and supplier of silk carpet in Shanghai .

  3. 真丝地毯在国内趋于流行。

    Silk carpets become popular in china .

  4. 真丝地毯一般分为长方形,正方形,长条形,椭圆形,圆形。

    Rectangular , square , runner , oval and round are normal shapes of silk carpets .

  5. 公司主要产品有方块地毯、满铺地毯、人造草坪、塑胶跑道、塑料地板、防静电地板、晴纶地毯、羊毛地毯、真丝地毯、手绣挂毯等;

    Our main products are carpet tiles , carpet , artificial turf , plastic track , plastic flooring , anti static flooring , acrylic carpets , wool carpets , silk carpets , embroidered tapestries ;

  6. 真丝地毯用天然丝线为原料,以传统的复杂的打结方法编织而成,在编织前需要大量的准备工作。

    Tufts are the simplest and most often used . Silk carpets , made of high quality natural silk , are produced in a complicated traditional work . A lot of pre-work was involved before weaving . Surgical ligation of the vas deferens as a means of sterilization .

  7. 如今,喀桑不仅出产丝绒、真丝和地毯,也生产一些颇具民族特色的瓷器和金属器。

    Today Kashan produces velvet , silks and carpets as well as interesting Ceramics and metal works .