
  • 网络Knit Art;Knitting Art
  1. 民间与时尚&论编织艺术与服饰配件的结合

    Civil and Fashion , the Combination of the Knitting Art and Fashion Accessories

  2. 艺术挂毯是地毯编织艺术的最高表达形式。

    Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art .

  3. 近年来,新西兰的创作、绘画、陶器和编织艺术在国际上日益博得好评。

    New Zealand writing , painting , pottery and weaving have achieved growing international recognition in recent years .

  4. 她还发明了织布机编织艺术,并且向人们传授如何种小麦,如何养蚕。

    She also invented the art of weaving with the loom and taught the people how to cultivate wheat and silkworms .

  5. 它们不仅吸收了中原文化的精华,也展示了西域民族独特的编织艺术风格。

    They not only absorbed the essence of the Central Plains culture , the Western Regions also demonstrated the unique ethnic art of weaving style .

  6. 半套结是编织艺术的工艺手法之一,它是编织手法中最基本,最简洁的工艺操作手段。

    The half-hitch knot is one of the techniques of knitting arts , the most basic and concise technical operating means among all the knitting techniques .

  7. 女性,编织起中外艺术交流的彩虹&记2001年北京新世纪国际妇女艺术展

    Female weaving a communicative rainbow between Chinese and arts-records on the exhibition of International Women Arts

  8. 如果说感情是经,理念是纬的话,那么,他长年以来静静地编织着他的艺术,这经纬是这么地细腻、绵密、沉实。

    If compare one 's emotion to longitude and idea to latitude , then the art that he have been weaving quietly these years is just like a fine work which have such delicate and careful lines .

  9. 然后,一点点,因为你,我编织的天空,艺术的美第八顶峰。

    Then , little by little , for you , I weave the sky , the eighth pinnacle of art beauty .

  10. 她的那种编织和重构的艺术实践质问着杂志的原有语言,将它们承载的信息颠覆为一种“阅读”印刷媒介的另类方法。

    Her art practice of knitting and reconstructing questions the original language of the magazines , subverting their message in an alternative means of " reading " print media .

  11. 传统编织对现代纤维艺术的发展有一定的促进作用。现代纤维艺术从传统编织中脱胎出来,转型而不脱离本质,更突出的展现了材料美、技术美与拓展审美界限、表现情感的诉求。

    The development of Modern Fiber Arts takes a promoting effect on traditional weaving . Reforming , but not separated from essence , presented more prominently the aesthetics of materials and technology , expanded aesthetic boundaries , as well as the demand of emotional expression .

  12. 本文指出当代编织建筑盛行的多方面原因,总结了编织建筑的艺术特点及其主要设计手法。

    This paper points out the multi-causes of its prevalence , sums up its artistic features and main design skills .