
  • 网络Carcharhinus;sandbar shark;requiem sharks
  1. 她的结论是:大白鲨并没有迁徙到别处,只是在这个地区灭绝了,它们的地盘被这些短尾真鲨占领了。

    Her conclusion is that the great whites didn 't move elsewhere , they simply died out – their turf taken over by these copper11 sharks .

  2. 中国真鲨属三新种

    On three new species of sharks of the genus Carcharhinus from China

  3. 南沙群岛珊瑚礁海域黑边鳍真鲨的年龄与生长

    Age and growth of Carcharhinus limbatus in waters of Nansha Islands coral reef Real Landscapes

  4. 国产阔口真鲨鱼肝油中脂肪酸和角鲨烯的成分分析及含量测定

    Constituent analysis and content determination of fatty acids and squalene of shark liver oil true love