
jūn zhì
  • homogeneity
均质[jūn zhì]
  1. 详细讨论了Weibull分布中的均质度、单元尺寸、同一级配不同骨料分布、单元类型、界面强度和砂浆强度等因素对数值结果的影响。

    The influence on simulation results caused by homogeneity index ( m ) in Weibull distribution , element size , different aggregate distributions with the same gradation , bond strength and matrix strength are discussed .

  2. 采用m样品∶m熔剂为1∶2的低稀释比玻璃熔融技术,X射线荧光法测定岩石中的主成分和微量成分,既提高了灵敏度又消除了不均质效应。

    A fusion bead sample preparation method with low dilution ratio of 1 ∶ 2 sample to flux is reported in this paper . The method provides not only higher sensitivity but also good sample homogeneity in analysis of both major and trace elements in geological samples by XRF .

  3. 这种均质化的处理方式,简化了世界,足以能够稳妥地为它建模。

    This homogenization simplifies and uncomplicated the world enough to model It'sanely .

  4. 个月大婴儿的横向能量多普勒图像示一个大的,血供丰富的不均质回声团

    Transverse power Doppler image in a 10-month-old shows a large heterogeneous liver mass with marked vascularity . 10

  5. 非均质地基弹性薄板分析的Green函数法

    Analysis of thin elastic plate on heterogeneous foundation by green 's function method

  6. 非均质基底表面上团簇生长的MonteCarlo模拟

    Monte Carlo simulation of cluster growth on an inhomogeneous substrate

  7. 基于AutoCAD的鞋类均质材料排料系统研究

    Study on shoes homogeneous material nesting system based on autoCAD

  8. 方法:采用高压均质法制备维生素E亚微粒乳液,利用高效液相色谱法测定其浓度。

    Methods : Tocopherol-loaded submicron emulsion was prepared by high pressure homogenization and the concentration was measured by HPLC method .

  9. 结果表明此膜的性能与PVA均质膜变化规律相似。

    The result shows that this membrane is similar to PVA dense membrane .

  10. 结果发现:Ag、Cu和Ni的均质形核过冷度随着体积与冷速比值的增大而减小。

    The results show that the homogenous nucleation undercooling of metals decreases with increasing ratio of sample volume to cooling rate .

  11. 非均质材料无网格Galerkin法

    Element-free Galerkin method for nonhomogeneous medium

  12. B油田开发中后期储层特征及渗流规律研究非稳定渗流期骤降判别及均质土坝稳定分析

    Research on the Reservoir Characteristics and Percolation Rule in Middle-later Development Phase , B Oilfield Judgment of Reservoir Water level Sudden Drop and Stability Analysis of Homogeneous Earth Dam during Unsteady Seepage

  13. 分析结果表明在均质土下,用ANSYS模拟出的结果规律与现有的研究成果一致。

    The results show that : in the homogeneous soil , the results of simulate using ANSYS is in line with the existing research .

  14. 对于单位宽度的均质纸板,挺度随弹性模数E和厚度立方乘积的增加而增加。

    For a unit width of a homogeneous paper board , the stiffness increases with the product of Young 's modulus E and the cube of the caliper .

  15. 变荷载作用下轴对称饱和半空间均质地基Biot固结分析

    Axisymmetric Biot consolidation of a semi-infinite isotropic saturated soil subjected to time-dependent loadings

  16. 本文研究了非均质Timoshenko梁的稳定性。

    In this paper , We study the stability of nonhomogeneous Timoshenko beam .

  17. 一种新概念(BUMP)燃烧室内准均质燃油混合气快速形成机理的研究

    A Study on Rapid Quasi-Homogeneous Diesel Fuel-Air Mixture Forming Process in A new Conceptual ( Bump ) Combustion Chamber

  18. HCV抗原仅在肝细胞内表达,可呈胞浆均质型、包涵体型和膜下型。

    HCV Ags were expressed only in the hepatocytes which may show cytoplasmic homogenous type , inclusion body type or submembranous type .

  19. λSS法为可控喷油形成准均质稀混合气的优化控制策略开辟了一条新的技术途径。

    λ SS set up a new technique approach which gives a new controlled strategy for optimizing the formation quasi-homogenous mixture .

  20. 通过与ANSYS非均质解的比较,对模型的精度、效率等进行了考察,在计算中考虑了不同单胞形式、不同组分比等的影响。

    The comparisons between the proposed model and the heterogeneous solutions via ANSYS verified its efficiency and accuracy considering different unit cell and ratio of components .

  21. 伤后48h、72h,微血管内皮细胞肿胀明显,内皮细胞核呈均质状。

    On 48h and 72h , endothelium cells swelled evidently and the nucleus was homogenous .

  22. 初生Al3Sc粒子是在SCR成形中凝固形成的,作为非均质晶核细化合金晶粒。

    Primary Al_3Sc is formed during solidification in the processing of SCR , it can refine grain size as heterogeneous nucleus .

  23. 为了对非均质焊接接头进行弹塑性断裂力学分析,本文对EPRI方法进行了修正,得到了一定条件下中心裂纹模型的修正系数CJ,C(?)

    A modification to the EPRI method is made and the modification coefficients C_J , C_ δ and Cv for the centre cracked panels are obtained .

  24. 本文针对岩体的非线性破坏特征,基于经验的Hoek-Brown强度准则,提出了确定近水平均质岩基抗剪强度参数c、的新方法。

    Considering the nonlinear failure character , a new method determining shear strength of isotropic rock foundation with Hoek Brown strength criterion is put forward .

  25. 对不同的进气温度、燃料辛烷值和燃空当量比对均质压燃(HCCI)发动机的排放特性进行了研究。

    The HCCI engine emissions characteristic is studied by different temperature and different fuel octane number .

  26. 结果12例均见胰腺实质肿块形成,大多为类圆形,直径为2.5~4cm,边缘规则,肿块较均质。

    Results Mass shadow in pancreatic parenchyma was seen in all 12 patients .

  27. 砌体RVE均质过程的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Masonry RVE Homogenization Procedure

  28. 研究具有一个局部分布反馈控制的非均质Timoshenko梁的镇定问题。

    In this paper , we study the problem of the stabilization for nonhomogeneous Timoshenko beams with one locally distributed feedback control .

  29. 该系统通过在负气门重叠期进行燃油喷射并利用残余高温废气热氛围促进燃油蒸发实现均质混合气的制备,通过外部冷却EGR实现燃烧相位和速率的控制。

    In this system , fuel is injected in negative valve overlap ( NVO ) and the high-temperature residual gas benefits the fuel vaporization .

  30. 本文在均质流体准地转位涡方程的基础上,用弱非线性方法求解了正压流体中Rossby孤立波的KdV方程。

    In this paper , the KdV equations of Rossby wave in barotropic fluid are derived from barotropic quasi-geostrophic vorticity equation by using weakly nonlinear method .