
nínɡ dònɡ
  • freeze;coagulate
凝冻 [níng dòng]
  • [coagulate;freeze] 因冰冻而凝固

  1. 河水凝冻。

    The river is frozen over .

  2. 试验结果表明,抗凝冻酸奶的最佳条件为:加糖量6%,接种量3.0%,发酵时间4.5h,复合抗冻剂加入量0.6%。

    The experimental result indicates that the most appropriate condition is : 6 % of sugar , 3.0 % of inoculation quantity , 4.5 h of fermented time and 0.6 % of compound antifreeze agent .

  3. 根据第一时间系数的变化,确定了5个重凝冻年和5个无凝冻年,用合成分析方法分析了重凝冻年和无凝冻年的冬季平均500hPa高度场的分布特征。

    Based on the change of the first time coefficient , the five serious and light congeal years in the last 46 years were determined . Using the composite method , the distribution feature of winter 500 hPa average height in the serious and light congeal years were analyzed .

  4. 凝冻天气致云南昭通数千车辆滞留。

    Icy weather strands thousands of vehicles in SW China .

  5. 山楂糕生产过程中的凝冻质量控制

    The quality control of solidity in the course of haw jelly production

  6. 蛋白被加热时变凝固;凝冻点(冰点)降低

    Egg white coagulating when heated ; freezing point depression

  7. 雨雪凝冻灾害对黔南林业的影响及反思

    Impact of the Ice Storm on the Forestry of Qiannan Prefecture and Our reflections

  8. 黔东南凝冻气候变化特征及灾害指数评估分析

    Variation Characteristics of Freezing Climate and Evaluation Analysis of Disaster Index in Southeast Guizhou

  9. 寒冷的天气使人们呼出的气凝冻起来。

    The cold weather iced people 's breath .

  10. 凝冻灾害对江西武夷山白鹇种群的生态影响

    Ecological Effect of Ice-snow Frozen Disaster on Silver Pheasant Population in Wuyi Mountain Nature Reserve

  11. 新式冰淇淋凝冻和包装系统

    Advanced ice-cream freezing and wrapping systems

  12. 玉米淀粉粘合剂凝冻性(粘度稳定性)与氧化深度有直接关系。

    Coagulability of corn starch adhesive ( stability of viscosity ) is directly related to oxidation depth .

  13. 抗凝冻酸奶的研制

    Development of Anticoagulant Yogurt

  14. 社会风险防范与危机应对研究&贵州省应对凝冻灾害的思考

    Study on Preventing Social Risks and Tackling Crises & on the Response to the Snow and Ice Disaster in Guizhou Province

  15. 凝冻点(冰点)降低漂白之后,包装产品,降温至冰点以下。

    Following the blanching step , the product is packaged and the temperature is reduced to well below the freezing point of water .

  16. 研究了以异麦芽低聚糖代替部分蔗糖,选择适当的稳定剂,将酸奶经凝冻制成冷冻酸奶的工艺条件。

    The article deals with the manufacture of frozen yoghurt with several special stabilizers in which the suger is replaced with iso-malto oligosaccharides partly .

  17. 凝冻1985年、春旱1977年和1986年、秋绵雨1958年和1966年的突变是明显的。

    But the freezing in 1985 , the spring aridity in 1977 and 1986 and the autumn continuous rains in 1958 and 1966 are clear .

  18. 本文介绍了糍覆球状冰淇淋成型机的总体设计和工作原理,分析比较了传动系统中不同的驱动与控制方式,阐述了糍覆球状机与冰淇淋连续凝冻机及其它冰淇淋辅机的配置方案。

    This article introduced the principle and design of patented machine for me continuous production of twin flavour . Different driving and controlling methods are compared .

  19. 贵州商务厅成立“抗凝冻、保民生”应急指挥中心,建立24小时值班制度和省地两级商务主管部门一日两次抗灾救援调度会制度。

    The province also runs a24-hour duty system and requires commerce authorities at the provincial and municipal levels to hold scheduled meetings on disaster reduction twice a day .

  20. 用图形分析了-2.5~-30℃下,凝冻水的含量对冰晶形成的影响,同时分析了凝冻、储藏和分布等因素对冰晶形成的影响。

    This paper includes a graph showing the percentage of water frozen in the form of ice crystals at temperature between-2.5 ℃ and-30 ℃ . Frozen , storage and distribution aspects are also covered .

  21. 以脱脂奶粉、红薯浆液为主要原料,配以白砂糖,经过凝冻后,制成低脂功能性冰淇淋。

    Using nonfat dried milk , thick sweet potato liquid and granulated sugar as materials , the healthy low-fat ice cream was made after process freezing , which could improve constipation and the belly .

  22. 镰刀形的月亮在门前池中送出冷冷的微光,池畔的一排樱树,裸露在凝冻了的空气中,轻轻地颤着。

    The faint light of a sickle moon shone cold and dim in the pond beyond my door , whilst a row of cherry trees , bare and denuded , trembled slightly in the frozen air .

  23. 凝冻是指冬季出现的温度低于0℃,有冷却降水或固体降水和结冰现象发生的天气现象,它是在特定的天气条件下形成的,并具有高度局域性。

    Freezing is the weather phenomena that the temperature is below 0 ℃ in winter , and the cooling and freezing precipitation or solid precipitation and icing phenomena . It is the formation in particular weather conditions , and highly localized .