
nínɡ liàn
  • concise;condensed;compact
凝练 [níng liàn]
  • [concise;condense] 简洁而无铺张赘言

  • 文字凝练

  1. 第二,学术观点的表述更趋凝练概括,更具科学性;

    Second , the expression of academic ideas is concise and accurate .

  2. 研究生教育的文化转向&一种基于大学文化的精神凝练

    Cultural Shift of Postgraduate Education : A Spirit Concise Based on University Culture

  3. 第三,企业精神凝练的文化竞争优势。

    Third , the cultural competition advantage with condensed enterprising spirit .

  4. 它以其独特的凝练形式传达美的信息。

    Its unique form of condensation conveys the nature of beauty .

  5. 中国传统体育观念的凝练与形成

    On the Formation of Traditional Sports Culture Conception in China

  6. 凝练体院办学理念构建创新发展战略

    Condensing the Guiding Principle for Running GIPE and Building up Innovative Development Strategy

  7. 标志归根结底是一个简单、凝练的图形元素。

    Marks the final analysis , is a simple , concise graphical elements .

  8. 她的散文凝练高雅,多数新闻工作者无出其右。

    Her clear and elegant prose sets her apart from most other journalists .

  9. 文化的核心是意义和价值系统,而文学和哲学是文化价值系统的凝练表达。

    Literature and philosophy are the concise expression of the value system of culture .

  10. 诗歌是语言的精华,是凝练的智慧。

    Poetry is the soul of the language .

  11. 他的文笔凝练,很有感染力。

    His writing style is concise and infectious .

  12. 语言亦简洁凝练,形成了自己的独特风格。

    Its language was also terse and compact , evolving a style of its own .

  13. 因之有所谓凝固的舞蹈之说,或被比作凝练的诗句。

    Solidification a result of the so-called dance , or for Ninglian than the poem .

  14. 译诗的语言应凝练,文字应显豁。

    On the language in poetry .

  15. 凝练全文主要研究结论,指出了有待进一步研究的问题。

    5 , Condensed the main conclusions , and pointed out the areas for further research .

  16. 凝练德国科技最尖端品质;

    German technology makes top-end quality .

  17. 在英语广告中恰当地运用模糊语言,能使广告语言凝练、生动、富有感染力。

    The appropriate use of fuzzy language in English advertising will make the language concise and lively .

  18. 中国古代诗歌语言高度含蓄、凝练,其意象更具独特的艺术魅力。

    Chinese poetic language is extremely implicit and concise , especially the image with unique artistic charm .

  19. 现代诗歌是用凝练的语言、简练的结构表达出诗人的思想感情,在简短的篇幅中又蕴含了一定丰富深刻的内容。

    By using the concise language and succulent structure , modern poems convey poets ' idea and feelings .

  20. 辉煌灿烂的诗歌是我们的宝贵财富,它以凝练的语言、优美的意境打动着我们的心灵。

    Brilliant poetry is a valuable asset , which touches our hearts through concise language and beautiful mood .

  21. 跌宕、多变,淡中见美,凝练含蓄等,是他的诗表现的艺术特点和技巧。

    He presents in his poems the characteristics and skills in rhythm variation , plain beauty and conciseness .

  22. 一般说来,谚语的语言具有简洁、凝练、生动形象、韵律优美和谐等特征。

    Generally speaking , the language of proverbs possesses such features as being simple , concise , and vivid .

  23. 文学作品字里行间的凝练与不确定性,文字意指的游移,都为电影改编创造了条件。

    The conciseness and uncertainty in literary works and the vacillation between the lines all offer opportunities of adaption .

  24. 有时没有言语,没有名言,能够凝练概括当天的事。

    Sometimes there are no words , no clever quotes to neatly sum up what 's happened that day .

  25. 现代设计不仅重视对传统艺术语言的钻研与运用,更加注重对民族传统审美意象的凝练和深化表现。

    Not only emphases on the traditional artistic language , modern design concise and deepens of the aesthetic image performance .

  26. 在此,笔者以凝练的语句概括总结全文,突出论题主旨,为达到画龙点睛之功效。

    In this , the author summarized with concise statement , outstanding theme , to achieve the purpose of efficacy .

  27. 另一个择来自他简约凝练的风格和纵横驰骋,出人意料的阐述。

    Another source of Emerson 's strength is his extraordinary compactness of style and his range and unexpectedness of illustration .

  28. 这些情感既可以流露在故事、情节和形式里,也可以就在自身里凝练出一种形式。

    Such feeling distills itself into a form , as well as letting out in the stories , scenes and forms .

  29. 凝练特色·开拓创新&首都师范大学美术学院艺术设计系

    To Congeal Features and Exploit Innovations & The Art Design Department of The College of Fine Arts of Capital Normal University

  30. 如果你不用力,这只笔就写不出来。他的文笔凝练,很有感染力。

    The pen does not write unless you bear down hard on it . His writing style is concise and infectious .