
  • 网络Condensation;winterization;syneresis
  1. 研究结果表明,天然气中的CO2及凝析水是气井腐蚀的主要原因。

    The results showed that CO2 and condensate water were the primary factors causing corrosion of gas well .

  2. 川中凝析油的声速及弹模的SBS测定

    Measurement of the sound velocity and elastic module of the Middle Sichuan condensate oil sample by " sbs "

  3. 凝析气PVT测试计算机辅助计算软件的开发与应用

    Computer software for aiding routine PVT analysis of gas condensates

  4. 凝析气井地面PVT取样技术

    Surface PVT sampling technique of condensate gas well

  5. 下盘主要为TA组煤系地层形成的低熟天然气与凝析油。

    While , down plate mainly contains low maturity nature gas and condensate oil which from coal measure strata of the TA group .

  6. 碳酸盐岩(O)和碎屑岩(C、T)储集层分2大类4个亚类圈闭组合,形成了10种类型的凝析气(田)藏。

    The carbonate rock ( O ) and detrital rock ( C , T ) could be classified into trapping assemblages of 2 types or 4 subtypes , which allow to form 10 kinds of condensate gas pools .

  7. 凝析气P-V-T数据的计算机拟合

    Regression of experimental p-V-T data for gas condensates

  8. JJ-9用量为0.2%就可以将蒸汽凝析液的pH降低到9以下;现场应用时将JJ-8作为前置液,JJ-9伴蒸汽注入的优化注入方式,可持续降低蒸汽凝析液的碱性,效果良好。

    PH of steam condensed liquid could be decreased to below 9 . The field test showed JJ - 8 and JJ - 9 could increase steam injection efficiency by reducing the alkalinity of liquid and damage to formation caused by liquid .

  9. PVT分馏不仅导致凝析油中饱/芳比值的异常高值,而且饱/芳比值在凝析油和正常油中存在相反的分馏变化规律;

    PVT fractionation forms condensed oil with remarkable high ratio of saturate to aromatic hydrocarbon , and the ratio variation in oil and condensate is very different .

  10. 陶氏化学(DowChemical)宣布将增产乙烯和丙烯,以充分利用美国页岩气田天然气凝析液产量增加的大好机会。

    Chemical push Dow Chemical ( Dow ) announced that it was going to make more ethylene and propylene so that it can profit from the increasing amount of natural gas liquids being produced from shale fields in the United States .

  11. 本文基于状态方程预测P-V-T关系的误差与可调参数值呈线性关系的假设,通过对C7~+馏分的状态方程参数进行调节,来拟合凝析气流体的实测P-V-T关系。

    This work was based on the linearity assumption between deviation calculated by equation of state ( EOS ) and adjustment parameters of EOS , to regress experimental P-V-T data for gas condensates .

  12. 进而以管道SCADA系统实测两端运行参数为边界条件,根据凝析气管输瞬变流数学模型,建立了凝析气管道输送泄漏监测的方法。

    Taking the real measured parameters of SCADA as the boundary conditions , based on the transient flowing model of condensate gas transmission with pipelines , the leakage detecting method is proposed for condensate gas transmission with pipelines .

  13. 注入气的选择上,建议直接将AG层的凝析气注入Bentui层,使注入气与原油达到混相或者近混相状态,以获得更高的原油采收率。

    As to selection of injection gas , we suggest injecting gas condensate from AG layer directly into Bentiu layer to make injection gas and crude oil reach a miscible phase or a near miscible phase to get a higher crude oil recovery .

  14. 对于含凝析油低的凝析气藏,多孔介质中定容衰竭凝析油饱和度远高于PVT筒中凝析油采收率,多孔介质中蒸发现象不明显。

    For the condensate gas reservoir with low condensate oil , the condensate oil saturation in long cores is higher than that in PVT cells , and there is not evaporation phenomenon .

  15. 电磁加热解除近井凝析油堵塞效果研究解除气井有机沉积物堵塞用的解堵剂JD-3

    Eliminating condensate blocking by electromagnetic heating Blockage Relieving Agent JD-3 for Removing Organic Precipitates in Gas Wells

  16. 凝析气总储量约4000×108m3,占天然气总储量的三分之一。

    The total reserve of the condensate gas is about 4 000 × 108 m3 , which is one third of total natural gas reserve .

  17. 凝析气PVT分析数据是进行气藏数值模拟及开采工艺设计的重要参数,但由于各种原因在气藏开发初期未能取得代表性PVT样品或未进行取样,以至使开发方案设计不能正常进行;

    PVT data of gas condensate reservoir provide important parameters for reservoir numerical modeling and recovery planing . For various reasons , however , representative PVT samples of the initial development phase are often not available .

  18. 塔里木盆地凝析气藏富集温度为70~130℃,压力范围为35~60MPa。

    The temperature and pressure ranges for the gas condensate accumulations in the basin are 70-130 ℃ and 35-60 ? MPa , respectively .

  19. 针对该区凝析气藏正常测井响应中气的特性显示不明显现象,运用了Bayes法和Fisher法进行了储层流体识别,识别效果较好,Fisher法识别正确率最高。

    For the characteristics of the area gas condensate reservoir logging response did not show obvious phenomenon , this can be solved by using Bayes method and Fisher method on the reservoir fluid identification . The identify effect is good ; especially Fisher method is the highest accuracy recognition method .

  20. 海南东方1&1凝析气田位于南中国海的西南部,与海南省陆地之间的距离约为104km,最大水深70m。

    Dongfang 1 & 1 condensate gas field lies in the southwest of South Chinese Sea . Its distance to Hainan shore is 10 4 km . The maximum water depth is 70 m.

  21. 位于新疆牙哈地区的YH23-2-4井是在某直井基础上填井侧钻而成的凝析气田水平井。

    YH23-2-4 well is a sidetrack horizontal one in a condensate field located in Yaha district of Xinjiang , which was a straight one before .

  22. 分析研究气藏的水驱能量,认为JZ20-2凝析气田无论中高点气藏还是南高点气藏,水驱能量都十分有限,属带底油和底水的定容封闭式凝析气藏。

    We 've come to the conclusion that there is limited water-drive energy in the middle and south high of Jinzhou 20-2 condensate field . It is a sealed condensate reservoir with both bottom oil and water .

  23. 前人据其所产油气性质和气油比判断为凝析气相,但发现井沙29井中油组厚7m的油气层在声波测井曲线上却无明显的高时差响应。

    Predecessors judged it as condensate gas phase according to hydrocarbon features and the ratio of gas and oil . But it was found that the reservoir with 7m thick middle oil formation in discovery well Sha 29 had no obvious high moveout responses in acoustic logging curves .

  24. 但是,在天然气净化工艺过程中,TEG会受到天然气所携带高矿化度地层水、凝析油、气井井下污染物质等污染,往往会造成TEG溶液起泡、产生盐结晶以及高温降解。

    But TEG will be contaminated by the high-salinity formation water and condensate carried by natural gas and the contaminant in gas well in the process of the purification of natural gas , which often causes the TEG solution to blister and produce salt crystallization and high-temperature degradation .

  25. 试验区注气期间累积采凝析油7.0183×104t,凝析油采出程度达39.2%,比衰竭式开采的采收率21%提高了18.2个百分点,采收率得到了明显的提高。

    The cumulative production of condensate oil is 70,183 t during the gas-injection period in the testing zone . The recovery level of condensate oil reaches to 39.2 % , which is 18.2 percent more than 21 % of the recovery factor by natural depletion .

  26. 凝析气藏气液变相态渗流理论研究

    Theoretical Research of Porous Flow for Condensate Gas with Phase Change

  27. 板桥凝析油气藏水锁伤害实验研究

    Experiment research on water locking injury in Banqiao Condensate Oil-Gas Reservoir

  28. 天然气/凝析液长距离管道稳态模拟研究

    Natural Gas / Condensate Long Distance Pipeline Steady Simulation Computation Study

  29. 考虑反凝析影响的凝析气井产能试井问题

    Productivity Well Test for Gas Condensate Well Considering Retrograde Condensate Effect

  30. 凝析气田地面集输管道水力热力计算方法

    The Hydraulic and Thermodynamic Calculation Method of Condensate Gas Gathering Pipeline