
ɡǎnɡ kǒu zuò yè
  • port operation;harbor operation
  1. 本文从港口作业合同的性质出发,对港口经营人享有留置权找到了法律依据。

    According to the nature of the contract of harbor operation , this thesis provides theoretical basis for the lien of the operator .

  2. 用于危险货物港口作业的港口设施的建设和运营应当符合本规定的有关要求。

    The construction and operation of any port facilities used for port operation of dangerous goods shall meet the relevant requirements provided in the present Provisions .

  3. 通过分析港口作业的特点、综合利用CAD技术和实验方法对清扫装置的清扫方式、传动装置和滚刷设计进行分析与研究,成功开发出一种专门针对港口场地的清扫装置。

    Through realize the characteristics of port operations , utilize cad technology and experimental methods to analyze and study the cleaning method of the cleaning device , transmission device and roller brush design , developed a specialized cleaning device for the port ground successfully .

  4. 图搜索算法在港口作业组合优化问题中的应用研究

    Research of Graph Search in Combination Optimization Problems in Port Production

  5. 随着港口作业自动化、机械化水平逐年提高。

    With the port operations automation and mechanization increased every year .

  6. 加强港口作业船舶安全管理的思考

    A Study on Strengthening the Safety Management of Harbor-operation Crafts

  7. 美国西海岸港口作业集装箱分析

    Analysis of Container Operation of USA West Coast Container Ports

  8. 基于模糊分类分析法的库存管理模式在港口作业材料管理中的应用

    A storage control model used in management of operation materials of port based on fuzzy classification

  9. 港口作业区、生活区和管理中心布置更趋合理;

    Layout of operation area , living quarter and management center of port to be more reason able ;

  10. 本文以4条港口作业船舶上的7台主柴油机为研究对象,开展了油液监测技术应用研究,并在油液监测的基础上建立了维修决策的模型。

    This paper conducts the research of oil monitoring application and maintenance decision based on seven marine diesel engines .

  11. 在最初开拓的岁月里,很多港口作业都是靠那些从中国移居到当地的苦力用繁重的体力劳动来完成的。

    In those early pioneering days , much of port activities relied on Chinese migrant coolies to do the heavy manual work .

  12. 港机设备维修管理水平的高低直接影响着港口作业的流畅程度,成为港口竞争的一项重要指标。

    Equipment maintenance management level , which has become an important indicator of ports competition , directly effects running smoothly or not .

  13. 港口作业今天相对正常,卡车排成的长队开始移动,一名观察人士周日晚表示。

    Port operations are relatively normal today , and the lines of trucks have started to move , said one observer on Sunday evening .

  14. 最后,论文研究了集装箱港口作业物流资源配置的理论和方法在上海港外高桥二期集装箱码头的应用。

    Finally , a case is given to show the application of the theory and methods into the Second Branch of Shanghai Waigaoqiao container terminal .

  15. 分析港口作业中平仓机操作安全的重要性,介绍了新研制的平仓机载荷限制器。

    Analysing the importance of the security during manipulating the scraper on harbor - operation , a new developed load limiter of scraper is introduced .

  16. 船上物料及燃油供应、担保争议,船舶代理、船员劳务、港口作业所发生的争议;

    Disputes arising from supply or security of ship 's stores or fuel , ship 's agency , seamen 's labor service or port 's handling ;

  17. 针对拖船在港口作业的随机性、动态性的特点,建立了拖船作业的排队仿真模型。

    Being aimed at the characteristic of voluntariness and dynamics of tugboat working in port , This paper sets up a queuing simulation model of tugboat working .

  18. 指出整治工程在对界牌河段的河势控制、航道、港口作业条件及堤防条件的改善等方面已起到了良好的效果;

    Finally the paper points out that the renovating project has good effects on the control of the river regime , the working conditions of the channel and the port .

  19. 在集装箱港口作业的整个过程中,集装箱出入港口、货物统计、位置调整、货物补充、安全监控以及定时跟踪、调度是港口现代管理的一大课题。

    Access to the container port cargo statistics , position adjustments , the goods added that security monitoring and regular follow-up . Scheduling is a modern port management of a major issue .

  20. 从系统的、集成的角度出发,研究了集装箱港口作业物流的泊位资源配置和装卸资源配置问题,为集装箱港口优化作业物流资源配置提供了一个更为科学的视角。

    Firstly , the resource allocation of container terminal operational logistics , divided into berth allocation and handling resource allocation , is studied in a systematic way that is integrated with logistics concept .

  21. 码头岸线总长14000余米,货物场总面积292万平方米,仓库总面积14.6万平方米,船舶34艘,港口作业机械800余台套。

    Quay length of 14,000 meters of goods after a total area of 277 square meters , warehouse area of 146,000 square meters total , 34 ships , port operations more than 800 sets of machinery .

  22. 在船舶到达之前为其合理分配好泊位,不仅可以提高港口作业的效率,带来更高的经济利益,还可以大大提高港口资源的利用率。

    Before the arrival of the ship , good rational allocation of berths for them , can not only enhance the efficiency of port operations , lead to higher economic interests , but also greatly enhance the utilization of the port resources .

  23. 论文研究的重点包括以下几个方面:1、围绕港口作业的实际情况,对现有港口调度系统业务的局限性进行了分析,并提出了如何运用现有的各种信息技术来加以解决。

    According to the actual situation of port operations , the paper has had an analysis of limitations of present operations dispatching system of port , and show how to solve the limitations by using the various existing information technology . 2 .

  24. 专属管辖的修改制度方面:不动产物权纠纷规定为专属管辖;将不动产债权纠纷、港口作业中发生的纠纷、继承遗产纠纷这三类案件规定为特殊地域管辖。

    Exclusive jurisdiction to modify the system : the real property disputes to the exclusive jurisdiction provisions ; the property claims disputes , disputes arising from port operations , inheritance disputes , the provisions of these three cases , the special territorial jurisdiction .

  25. 基于HLA的集装箱港口多式作业仿真方法研究

    Research on Simulation Method of Container Port Multimodal Transportation Based on HLA

  26. 基于eM-Plant仿真的港口拖船作业系统设备配置研究

    EM-Plant-based modeling and Simulation of Tugboat Operation in Seaport

  27. 远程起重机监视管理系统(RCMS)的应用可以使设备维修人员在第一时间了解设备的运行状态和故障情况,从而大大节省故障查找时间,保证港口装卸作业的顺利进行。

    The usage of remote crane monitoring system ( RCMS ) can make the service staffs understand the conditions and the fault cases of the equipments at first time , so that the fault check time is saved and the operation can be ensured in order .

  28. 综合排序矩阵法及港口调度作业中的应用

    Synthetic Array Matrix Method and Its Application to Harbour Dispatch Operation

  29. 港口装卸作业的安全性分析

    Safety Analysis on Loading and Unloading Operation at the Port

  30. 计算机无线网络技术在港口集装箱作业环境中的应用

    Application of computer wireless network technology in port task environment