
  1. 港式茶餐厅&从全球化的香港饮食文化谈起

    Hong Kong Style Tea Cafe : Globalization of Food Culture in Hong Kong

  2. 绝对是广州的‘地下潮地’,还有许多的港式茶餐厅再加上中华广场食街,吃喝玩乐一条龙。

    Martyrs'Park : update mall under the ground , Hong Kong style canteens , Food Street at China Plaza * An entertainment place to have fun , eat and drinks .

  3. 港式茶餐厅的早餐包含有港式奶茶、咖啡、火腿、煎蛋、火腿通粉。

    In a Hong Kong cha chaan teng breakfasts might consist of Hong Kong-style milk tea , coffee , ham , and fried eggs , and a bowl of macaroni soup with ham .