
  • 网络port facility;terminal facilities;harbor facilities
  1. 浅谈国际船舶和港口设施保安规则

    Introducing the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code

  2. A你己经和港口设施保安员联络过吗?

    Have you contacted the port facility security officer ?

  3. SOLAS公约修正案与构建中国船舶和港口设施保安体系

    View on " SOLAS Convention " and the Structure of Security System for Ships & Port Facilities of China

  4. SOLAS公约的内容已从船舶结构与设备扩展到船舶公司及港口设施;

    The contents of SOLAS Convention are extended from ship 's structure and installation to shipping companies and port facilities ;

  5. riversdale则考虑用驳船运载煤炭沿赞比西河而下,直至贝拉港该公司计划在那里兴建港口设施。

    Riversdale is looking at shipping coal on barges down the Zambezi to Beira , where port facilities are planned .

  6. 挪威化肥公司Yara将通过改进非洲的港口设施来改善获取化肥以及其他进口商品。

    The Norwegian fertiliser company Yara will improve port facilities in Africa to improve access to fertilisers and other inputs .

  7. 排在第三位的必和必拓可能在扩建其位于pilbara的港口设施过程中遇到麻烦,由于与其它公司共享设施,其位于hedland港的出口中心日益拥挤。

    BHP , in third place , is likely to encounter problems expanding its port facilities in the Pilbara , with its export hub at Port Hedland increasingly congested as others share its facilities .

  8. 与其它有着更长开发历史的沿海城市一样,它们也具有极佳的港口设施。

    Like longer-developed coastal cities , they have excellent port facilities .

  9. 将花五百万美元来改善港口设施。

    Five million dollars will be spent on upgrading the port facilities .

  10. 内河货运及港口设施需求研究

    Study on River Trade Cargo Movements and Port Facilities Requirements

  11. 渴望获得罗马港口设施的秘密和原则,

    The desire to capture the secrets and principles of Roman harbor installations

  12. 未经依法批准,建设港口设施使用港口岸线的。

    Construction of port facilities and use of port coastal lines without approval .

  13. 他们迅速抢占城内的石油设施、机场和港口设施。

    They quickly seized the city 's oil installations , airport and port facilities .

  14. 港口设施维护技术规程公路路基施工技术规范

    Technical specification for maintenance of port facilities Technical code for construction of highway subgrades

  15. 中国现有港口设施完全可以停泊这种级别的船舶。

    Existing Chinese ports facilities are perfectly adequate for handling this class of vessels .

  16. 计算机技术在大连港港口设施维修与管理中的应用

    Application of Computer Technique for Maintenance and Administration of Port Facilities in Dalian Port

  17. 港口设施保安及其在中国的实施

    Port facility security and the enforcement in China

  18. 充分利用现有港口设施尽快建成上海国际航运中心

    Fully Utilize Existing Port Institutions , Build Shanghai International Shipping Center As Soon As Possible

  19. 港口设施使用者和经营者的建议,是港务管理的重要元素。

    Advice from users and operators of port facilities is an important element in port administration .

  20. 由于年久失修、投资不足,道路、电力供应和港口设施的状况都比较糟糕。

    The condition of roads , power supply and ports reflects years of neglect and under-investment .

  21. 内河航道维护技术规范港口设施维护技术规程

    Technical code for maintenance of inland river navigation channels Technical specification for maintenance of port facilities

  22. 《统一收取进口铁矿石港口设施保安费的行动方案》应当撤销

    Action Program on Public Security Charge in Port Facilities for Import of Iron Ore Should be Cancelled

  23. 大力开展港口设施建设;

    Greatly build port facilities ;

  24. 但是加州的问题很多,包括高速公路拥挤,铁路线路,航空和港口设施老化。

    But California 's problems include crowded highways and aging rail lines , air and port facilities .

  25. 介绍了港口设施保安的背景、内容及其在中国的实施情况。

    Introducing the background , content of port facility security , and it 's enforcement in China .

  26. 这也就不奇怪,当时一些最常见的建筑是储存设施和港口设施。

    It is not surprising that some of most common buildings were storage facilities and port facilities .

  27. 《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》与船舶保安员培训

    《 International Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facilities 》 and Training of Ship Security Officer

  28. 海事处采取适当的海上交通措施,从而保障海上交通安全和港口设施的运作。

    The safety of marine traffic and operations of port facilities were protected by taking appropriate marine traffic measures .

  29. 当地的领导人也有宏伟的计划,要将此处打造成为一个具有全新港口设施和旅馆的现代化干船坞。

    Local leaders have ambitious plans to develop new port facilities and hotels , and to modernise the dry dock .

  30. 盟军进展神速,德军来不及破坏安特卫普的港口设施。

    So swift was the advance that the Germans did not have time to destroy the harbor facilities at Antwerp .