
  1. 想要对这个问题有更加深入的了解,读读它会受益匪浅。

    It makes invaluable reading for anyone who wants to acquire a greater depth of understanding of the subject .

  2. 如果能获得廉价储蓄账户,他们会获益匪浅。

    They would benefit a great deal from access to a cheap savings account .

  3. 近代的会与匪&以广东为例

    The Relationship Between Secret Societies and Bandits in Modern China : Taking Guangdong for Instance

  4. 如果你有话要说,就有条不紊地说,这样听者也会受益匪浅的。

    If you have something to say , say it well , so that others can benefit from your message .

  5. 亲爱的汤姆:感谢你来函告知我们这个好消息,中国市场一定会受益匪浅的。

    Dear Tom , Thank you for letter informing us the good news . The Chinese market could benefit a lot from your decision .

  6. 她说:据我推测如果这本书对奥巴马夫人大有益处的话,他同样也会受益匪浅的。

    " I guess if it ` s good enough for Mrs Obama , then it will be good enough for him too ," she said .

  7. 我们从北京2008奥运会受益匪浅。2012年,我们将热烈欢迎来自中国和世界各地的观众。

    We learnt a huge amount from the2008 Olympics in Beijing , and in2012 we will offer a warm welcome to visitors from China and the rest of the world .

  8. 如果通过努力能够从艰苦的环境中学到一些不一样的东西,我的人生肯定会受益匪浅。

    At other times it becomes apparent that if I had somehow learned something different from a particular challenging situation , the quality of my life would be much more rewarding .

  9. 他说:“成立一个两国共同的边境管理部门,共同制定政策,并使得这些政策系统化和制度化,这样会获益匪浅。”

    " To create a bi-national border authority where they would craft policies together ," she said . " Making it more systematic and institutionalizing it would have greater benefits . "

  10. 所以,要相信自己的天性,在一起的时候要尽情玩耍,因为亲子感情一旦建立,你和宝宝均会受益匪浅,不论今天、明天,还是将来。

    So trust your instincts and have fun with your time together , because when it comes to bonding , both you and your baby will benefit today , tomorrow , and forever .

  11. 如果合作成功的话,整个社区包括ColdFusion和它的客户、用户都会因此获益匪浅。

    And at the end of the day , if that were to occur , then the entire community would benefit , including ColdFusion and its customers and users .

  12. 培养一种自信的积极心态会让人受益匪浅。

    Cultivating a positive mental attitude towards yourself can reap tremendous benefits .

  13. 在技法上,对每一幅伟大的作品进行研究都会使我们受益匪浅。

    Technically , each one of the great works will benefit us .

  14. 而且,从许多方面来讲,它们会令你受益匪浅。

    At the same time , they 're rewarding in many ways .

  15. 每一丁点的友善都会让人受益匪浅。

    Every little bit of kindness helps .

  16. 遇到实际的竞争时,现在所受的艰苦的训练会使你得益匪浅的。

    Hard training now will pay you richly when it comes to the actual competition .

  17. 本周,《21世纪英文报》列举了几大职业,无论你毕业与否,牢记这些都会让你获益匪浅。

    This week , 21st Century lists several of these professions to keep in mind before and after graduation .

  18. 我毫不犹豫地认为和来自其他学校的世界级的学者一起工作,与卓著的多样化的学生们一起交流学习会使我受益匪浅。

    I did not hesitate to think that other schools from the world-class scholars to work with outstanding students with diverse learning will I benefit from the exchange .

  19. 毕竟,如果你的爸爸长期从事这项业务,那他在证券市场前沿数十年的经历肯定会让你受益匪浅。

    After all , when your dad 's been in the busjness along time , you stand to benefit from his decades on the front lines of the securities markets .

  20. 选择公共服务作为职业并不总是那么轻而易举的,但公共服务会使我们受益匪浅,因为我们有机会参与克服当今的挑战。

    Public service is not always an easy career choice to make , but it can be immensely rewarding for the opportunity it offers to get involved in addressing the challenges of our times .

  21. 这些强调美感的运动并不会让你一夜就拥有火辣的身材,但是结合健康的饮食,这些运动最终会让你受益匪浅,这样你就能在穿着衣服或者赤身裸体的时候看起来好看。

    These aesthetically-focused exercises won 't make you hot overnight , but in combination with a healthy diet , they 'll give you the best bang for your workout buck so you look good dressed up - or undressed .

  22. 在美国,每年有3万人死于交通事故。考虑到其中90%的车祸是由人为失误造成,而且大约40%的事故缘于酒后驾车或疲劳驾驶,把操控汽车的任务交给计算机会让我们受益匪浅。

    Each year 30000 people die in traffic collisions in the U.S. Considering that 90 % of U.S. auto collisions are blamed on human error - some 40 % are the result of factors such as alcohol or fatigue - we have a lot to gain by outsourcing the task of driving to computers .

  23. 医学专家揭示了关于小弟弟的一些有趣事实,男人和女人看了都会惊讶万分,也会受教匪浅。

    Medical experts reveal interesting facts that men and women will find educational & and surprising .

  24. 肯拜小姐亲自写信安慰我:“有朝一日,你也会用自己的头脑写出一篇伟大的故事,它将会抚慰很多人,也会对他们助益匪浅。”但是这个预言从来没有实现,我不再做仅仅为了娱乐而玩弄辞藻的游戏了。

    Miss Canby herself wrote kindly , " Some day you will write a great story out of your own head , that will be a comfort and help to many . " But this kind prophecy has never been fulfilled . I have never played with words again for the mere pleasure of the game .