- 网络accounting balance

To Analyze the Cancel and Check Relations of Cash Flow Form with Accounting Balance Theory
Balance score card in strategic management and activity based costing in activity management are the significant techniques in strategic management accounting .
Thus , the employee has the cash , the customer 's account shows a zero balance due , and the books are in balance .
However if just calculates accounting income break-even point while doing break-even point analysis on project , it will show difference from the principals of project evaluation .
This thesis analyzes unbalanced environment in the development of management accounting and points out that the main reason for delay in management accounting development is that theory is divorced from practice .
The accountant must determine the most appropriate way to record each transaction and to recognize its economic impact on the accounting equation .
Each business transaction makes at least two effects on the accounting equation that always keeps balance after every business transaction was finished , i.e. , the total amount of left side equals to that of the right side .
Accounting policy choice of accounting standards do not improve , economic complexity of the business objective reasons , also Manager of opportunistic motivations lead to opportunistic type accounting policy choices , balancing the interests of all stakeholders leading to efficiency-type accounting policy choice , subjective reasons .