
  • 网络chopa
  1. 她会供出你的。

    She 's figured you out .

  2. 我会供你取暖

    I will keep you warm

  3. 每个E-1课程的课程都有录音或录影,经过数位化透课程网站发布,并会一直供大家观看直到学期结束。

    Each of E-1 's lectures is recorded ( in audio and video formats ), digitized , and posted on the course 's website , where it remains available for on-demand viewing until term 's end .

  4. 抱着那类念法,一个对政治机构历史的阐收会又供没有波动。

    With this in mind , an analysis of the history of political institutions can be a little unsettling .

  5. 贫困家庭历来把教育看作自己的子女摆脱贫困的出路,往往会攒钱供他们上学。

    Poor families have traditionally looked to education for a ticket out of poverty for their children , often saving their wages for their education .

  6. 就在过去十年中,卫生得到了越来越多伙伴关系、实施机构、基金会和供资机制的空前支持。

    In just the past decade , health has received unprecedented support from a growing number of partnerships , implementing agencies , foundations , and funding mechanisms .

  7. 但是,成人骨髓间充质干细胞存在来源有限、取样时要进行侵袭性操作以及间充质干细胞的绝对数量和增殖分化能力会随着供者年龄增加而下降等不足而限制了其广泛应用。

    However , the application of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells are limited by volume , invasive procedures of their harvest and the age-dependent decline in the absolute number , differentiation and proliferation capacity .

  8. 目前临床上仍以自体骨移植作为骨缺损修复的金标准,但取自体骨必然会造成供骨区的病残,取骨量有限。

    Autologous bone grafts are currently considered to be the gold standard for bone tissue repair , but it is available in very limited amounts and often combined with morbidity at the donor sites .

  9. 虽然可愈合,又具备相应强度,但会发生供区膝前疼痛、髌腱炎、髌下脂肪垫挛缩、相应部位髌骨骨折、腘绳肌缺失等并发症。

    Although the transplanting can be cured and has relative intensity , it also bring some complications , such as pains to the forepart of knee , patellar tendonitis , contracture of subpatellar fat pad , patellar fracture in relevant position , lost of hamstring tendon in transplanting area .

  10. Vuthy表示,如果能继续赚钱,他肯定会有能力供所有孩子上大学。

    If he keeps making a good profit , Vuthy said he would certainly be able to send all of his children to university .

  11. 或许有一天,这种狐狸会成为可供商业流通的宠物主流之一呢!

    Someday , the Fennec Fox may become a mainstream commercially-available pet !

  12. 不然另外两个也会把他供出来的

    Or the other two will rat ' em out .

  13. 日本爱知世博会的空调供能和环境技术

    Air conditioning energy supply and environment technology of Aichi Expo in Japan

  14. 明天我会把可供数量告诉您。

    I 'll let you know the quantity tomorrow .

  15. 我说过会想办法供你上大学的

    I promised you I would figure out how to pay for college .

  16. 他会想到一些供演出用的新戏法,取悦观众的新笑话。

    He would think of new tricks to perform , new jokes with which to entertain audiences .

  17. 在识别到某种类型的智能标记时,智能标记的快捷菜单上会出现可供选择的操作。

    Actions are the choices available on the smart tag shortcut menu when a smart tag of a certain type is recognized .

  18. 城寨转换为村庄将提高贸易规模,但会减少可供招募部队种类。

    Converting a Large Town into a Castle makes the settlement less conducive to trade , but allow for more diverse recruitment options .

  19. 当我们死去,我们的腐躯会变成青草,供羚羊食用。

    When we die , our bodies become the grass , and the antelope eat the grass .

  20. 添加新API的理由还包括代价,例如,开发者会拥有更多可供选择的概念。

    The reason that adding new APIs also has cost , for example developers have more concepts to choose from .

  21. 如果由于某些原因,在现场没有比赛音乐能配合使用的参赛选手可以选用DJ现有的音乐,否则DJ会随意播放音乐供选手比赛使用。

    If for some reason you do not have music to use for your routine you may speak to the DJ to see what he has available , otherwise the DJ will play any music they want .

  22. 全明星投资联合创始人季卫东(RichardJi)表示,他在途家模式中看到了很大潜力,因为中国房地产市场日渐疲软,这意味着会有更多可供租赁的房屋。“租赁房源会源源不断,”他说。

    Richard Ji , a co-founder of All-Stars Investment , said he saw potential in the Tujia model because a weakening property market in China means there are more rooms available to rent . " There 's a deep pipeline of room supply , " he said .

  23. 但我看不到金砖四国会有什么可供发挥的空间。

    But I can 't see room for the Brics .

  24. 我会记住这个,供以后参考。

    I will keep this in mind for future reference .

  25. 中国在芯片产量上的大幅提升会使世界市场供大于求吗?

    Will China 's enormous boost in chip production glut the world market ?

  26. 我们会编制一份供参考的零售商和物品清单在这里。

    We will compile a list of the retailers and listings here for reference .

  27. 向专家咨询建议,他们会提供两三种供你选择。

    Ask the expert their advice and they 'll give you two or three to choose from .

  28. 然后这些液晶会自动调节以供远眺或近看。

    Then that liquid crystal would adjust for either looking out in distance or looking in near field .

  29. 充液过多会使蒸发器内供液过多,有溢回压缩机的危险;

    Too much filling for the liquid within the evaporator will too , has the danger of overflow back to the compressor ;

  30. 如果您浏览一下适配器目录,则会看到几个可供选择导入的额外适配器。

    If you browse through the adapter directories , you 'll notice a few extra choices of adapters that you can import .