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  • meet relatives
会亲 [huì qīn]
  • [meet relatives] 一种旧时风俗,结婚后男家女家互邀亲属相见

  1. 我迟早会亲自杀了他!

    I would have killed him myself sooner or later !

  2. 父亲有时候道晚安时会亲我一下,有时候则不会。

    Sometimes my father kisses me good night and sometimes he doesn 't.

  3. 有胃酸味,是瑞恩·高斯林我也不亲还是会亲啦。

    I wouldn 't kiss Ryan Gosling with stomach breath .

  4. 小时候睡觉以前,妈妈都会亲我一下和我道晚安。

    When I was a child my mother used to kiss me goodnight .

  5. 我知道克洛为什么会亲你。

    I know why Chloe was kissing you .

  6. 但你为什么会亲回去?

    But why were you kissing her back ?

  7. 女孩:你会亲我吗?

    Girl : Will u ever kiss me ?

  8. 最后说,如果我知道怎么做蛋糕我一定会亲力而为的,但是我怕把它搞砸了!

    I would 've if I knew how , but I was afraid I 'd mess it up .

  9. 作为首席执行官,他会亲力亲为,努力与外界保持联系。

    As chief executive , he personally tries to reach outside the company , to stay in touch .

  10. “你以为你是谁?所有摆姿势让你作画的模特儿你都会亲吗?”

    Who do you think you are ? Do you kiss all the models that pose for you ? "

  11. 她仍然会亲她爸爸,爱她爸爸,但只要我离开房间,她就会嚎啕大哭,而且还会哭得格外伤心。

    She will still kiss and love on daddy , but if mommy leaves the room there is a blood curdling screaming match going on .

  12. 在收到您的作品或物品之后,画廊负责通知洪浩和颜磊,他们会亲至画廊把您的作品安置在展场之中。

    The gallery will notify Hong Hao and Yan Lei that your work has been received and they will come to add the object to the exhibition .

  13. 我在工作中有一个规矩,那就是在办公场所不亲同事(不管是男性还是女性),但如果在社交场合看到女同事,我一定会亲她们。

    I have a work rule that I do not kiss colleagues male or female in the work environment , but do kiss the females if I see them socially .