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sònɡ jīnɡ
  • recite passages from scriptures
  1. 穆斯林们诵经、祈祷。

    Muslims chanted and prayed

  2. 负责这项研究的AndrewNewberg博士通过对在进行祈祷,诵经或冥想的修女,修士以及佛教徒的脑部扫描,发现人们的宗教思维体验与大脑之间的微妙联系。

    But by scanning the brains of praying nuns , chanting Sikhs and meditating Buddhists Dr Andrew Newberg has shown a connection between the brain and religious experiences .

  3. 王成每天都诵经,总的来说,他是一个虔诚的佛教徒。

    Every day Wang chanted Buddhist sutras , or scripture .

  4. 周日,有更多的人将家人的遗体包裹好送到数百名诵经的僧侣那里。

    Family members brought more wrapped bodies to hundreds of chanting monks on Sunday .

  5. 诵经时有锣、笛和唤呐在旁边伴奏。

    These prayers are accompanied by music played on the gong , flute and trumpet .

  6. 没有音乐地诵经的弥撒。

    A Mass recited without music .

  7. 在一座寺庙里,好些信众坐在地上跟着,在和尚后边诵经。

    In a temple , I saw some believers , sitting behind a monk , were chanting sutras .

  8. 我们看到了信教的人一起诵经祈祷-“穆斯林,基督徒,我们是一体。”

    We saw people of faith praying together and chanting –" Muslims , Christians , We are one . "

  9. 由于工作繁忙,释道心现在已经没有固定时间诵经和参禅。

    Given his tight schedule , Shi said he has no time and energy for regular scripture chanting and meditation .

  10. 而把穿了一天的草鞋脱掉,诵经、就寝时,则属于静的世界。

    And the wearing of sandals a day off , chanting , going to bed , then the world is quiet .

  11. 泰国佛教僧侣聚集周日5月16日,2010年,在曼谷,泰国诵经祈祷和平的胜利纪念碑。

    Thai Buddhist monks gather Sunday , May16,2010 , at Victory Monument in Bangkok , Thailand to chant prayers for peace .

  12. 池塘边湿婆天的庙门开了,朝拜者开始诵经。

    On the side of the pond the gate of Shiva 's temple was opened and the worshipper had begun his chants .

  13. 为了驱赶鬼魂,道士们会诵经念咒,因为人们相信,鬼魂是不喜欢这种声音的。

    To drive the ghosts away , Taoist monks chant , since it 's believed the ghosts don 't like the sound .

  14. 该组织放出的一段录像显示,一些年轻女人头戴希贾布并用阿拉伯语诵经祈祷。

    A new video from the group appeares to show some of the young woman covered in hijabs and reciting prayers in Arabic .

  15. 中国古代历来有神化典籍和文字的传统。早期道教的文字观和经典观主要体现在早期道教的“诵经”修道方法之中。

    The views on character and scripture in early Taoism are incarnated in early Taoist methods of cultivating the recitation of Taoist Holy Scriptures .

  16. 这个过程可能包括重复祈祷、诵经、神神叨叨、自我催眠或者冥想的不同方法。

    The process may take the form of repetitive prayer , chanting , speaking in tongues , self-hypnosis or diverse methods of meditation * .

  17. 那位住持为那些罗马士兵的鬼魂诵经,据他说,这些鬼魂来到他的寺院请求超度。

    The abbot says prayers for the ghosts of Roman soldiers , who , he reports , visit his temple to petition for salvation .

  18. 这本电子诗集是由讲坛或诵经台上布置的一个小屏幕控制,牧师可以事先编排好适合在仪式上播放的歌曲的列表。

    The hymnal is controlled from a small screen in the pulpit or lectern and vicars can pre-programme their playlist to match their services .

  19. 直到有一天,观世音菩萨真身率诸天众菩萨聚圣泉山观音寺,环侍在佛前瞻礼诵经。

    Till one day , Buddhism Guanyin came Buddhism Guanyin together with other buddha , they gathered around the statue of Sakyamuni to pray .

  20. 那天晚上他没回家,而是不停地叩头、念佛、诵经。

    He didn 't go home that night , but spent his time kowtowing , telling the Buddha Amitabha 's name , and reciting sutras .

  21. 他们一听说我来到附近的寺院,于是他们因为我是个修禅的和尚,就请我去诵经。

    As soon as they heard that I was staying at the monastery nearby , they invited me to chant as I was a meditation monk .

  22. 在我那些表亲们还小的时候,他们就开始为逝者守灵、诵经或为居丧的人们提供所需帮助。

    Since they were children , my cousins have held wakes , chanted sutras over dead bodies , and anticipated the needs of those in mourning .

  23. 当他知道自己如何生为天人后,它带来仙花,撒向林中诵经的僧人。

    When he realized why he had been reborn in heaven , he brought divine flowers and scattered them about the monk reciting sutras in the forest .

  24. 江油市西南方的石方镇,和尚们在政府安置了几千灾民的庙里为死难者们诵经祈福。

    In the town of Shifang , south-west of Jiangyou , Buddhist monks say prayers for victims in a temple where the government has settled hundreds of refugees .

  25. 我不祈祷也不做佛教徒做的那些事情,但是我确实读了很多佛家著作。我想你能叫我“诵经佛教徒”吧。

    I don 't pray and stuff , but I do read a lot of the Buddha 's writings . I guess you could call me a nightstand Buddhist .

  26. 听在我们这些说英语的人耳里,这就跟念咒和诵经一样,有那么一点公式化,麦克马伦说道,但是这是一种理解植入的方法。

    Theres a lot of chanting and recitation which to our English ears seems a bit formulaic , says McMullen , but its a way of embedding that understanding .

  27. 一个小时后,大师停止诵经,叫我往地上抛35枚硬币(数目与我的年龄相同),一次抛一枚。

    After an hour , thay Tien stopped chanting and asked me to toss 35 coins the number equal to my age on the ground , one at a time .

  28. “冥想、或是诵经等等类似的行为可以把人变得很愉悦,也很平安,”罗伯茨说,她还教孩子们也这样做。

    Meditation or chanting or any of those things can be so joyous and also very quieting , ' says Roberts , who has introduced the practice to her children . '

  29. 现存梅日更寺蒙古语诵经对蒙古佛教诵经仪式的研究,具有重要文化价值和现实意义。

    The extant Mongolian language sutra chanting in Mergen-gegen fane , which is considered as the living fossil of the Mongolian Buddhist , possesses both important cultural values and current significance .

  30. 冥想、或是诵经等等类似的行为可以把人变得很愉悦,也很平安,罗伯茨说,她还教孩子们也这样做。

    ' Meditation or chanting or any of those things can be so joyous and also very quieting , ' says Roberts , who has introduced the practice to her children .
