
  • 网络Hoeryong
  1. 会宁市人口有18万,由于金正日已故的母亲生在此地,这里居民的生活相对好一些。

    Its 180,000 residents enjoy a relatively privileged existence because Kim Jong-il 's late mother was born there .

  2. 中江市、会宁市、庆源市是清代中朝之间的三个重要边市。

    Zhongjiang market , Huining market , Qingyuan market , between Qing Dynasty and North Korea , were three important frontier markets .

  3. 从边境线的中国一端,人们可以清楚地看到会宁市。中朝两国之间的分界线是一条浅浅的江,有些地方仅有20米宽。

    The city of Hoeryong can be clearly seen from the Chinese side of the border , which is marked by a shallow river only 20 metres wide in places .