
  1. 篱笆太矮,10岁的男孩都能一步跨过去。

    The fence is so low that even a ten-year-old boy can stride it .

  2. 斯顿皮一步跨到等着看热闹的人群面前。

    Stumpy stepped before the expectant crowd .

  3. 爸爸一步跨到我面前,问道:“这个?”“这个什么?”

    Dad stepped in front of me and asked ," Well !"" Well what !" I asked , knowing exactly what . " Well !" he

  4. 我来有话跟你讲,他说着,一步跨到桌子跟前,放下手中的帽子和花朵。

    " I come to have a word with you ," he said , striding forward to the table , laying down his hat and flowers .

  5. 20世纪50年代,四川民族地区一步跨千年,从封建农奴制社会或奴隶制社会直接进入了社会主义社会,实现了生产关系的跨越,但是其生产力却没有实现相应的跨越。

    In 1950s , the minority regions of Sichuan province directly entered into socialist society with a leap forward over 1000 years from feudal surf society or slave society .

  6. 在写测试的时候,可能必须构建出接口和一些类来让代码编译通过&这一步该跨多大?

    When writing a test you have to build interfaces and some classes to get it to even compile-how far do you let that go ?

  7. 他随即一下转过身去,看见他先前进来的那扇门正在他面前,他走去开了门,一步就跨出去了。

    Then he wheeled briskly round , caught sight of the door through which he had entered in front of him , went to it , opened it , and passed out .

  8. 靠着强有力的大长腿和翅膀,他们一步就可以跨3.5米,而且,即使没有其他动物或者人类的挑衅,它们也经常狂奔不息。

    With their powerful legs and wings , they can take 3.5 meter strides through the air , and even when not provoked by other animals or humans , they are often seen running .

  9. 马克斯一步一步地追溯这种跨文化制衣现象的历史,从1959年时装巨头石津健介(KensukeIshizu)引入受BrooksBrothers影响的“常春藤盟校”造型一直到近些年东京的新传统主义设计师。

    In a step-by-step account , Mr. Marx traces the history of this cross-cultural sartorial phenomenon , from the Brooks Brothers-influenced " Ivy League " look introduced by the fashion magnate Kensuke Ishizu in 1959 all the way up to Tokyo 's neo-traditionalist designers of recent years .

  10. 在我们回去的必经之路上有一大片地衣,我知道地衣在公园内是被保护的,便仗着腿长一步跨了过去。

    On our way back there is a big piece of lichen , I know that lichen was protected in the national park , so I strode over it .