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yī nián dào tóu
  • all the year round;throughout the year;the whole year;year in, year out;in season and out of season
一年到头 [yì nián dào tóu]
  • [throughout the year;all the year round] 整年,从头到尾经过一年

一年到头[yī nián dào tóu]
  1. 这个博物馆一年到头每天都开放。

    The museum is open daily throughout the year .

  2. 人们一年到头使用词语fireworks。

    People use the expression " fireworks " throughout the year .

  3. 通道一年到头畅通无阻。

    The pass is kept open all the year .

  4. 他一年到头都在辛勤劳动。

    He 's worked hard all year .

  5. 一年到头把花园拾掇得干净整洁也不是件轻松活儿。

    Keeping the garden tidy all year round can be a laborious task .

  6. 这些植物中有很多都是四季常青的,所以一年到头都可以观赏。

    Many of these plants are evergreen , so you can enjoy them all year round

  7. 他一年到头工作。没有假日。

    He works all the year round without a holiday .

  8. 然后,小孩子就好像是一年到头地由家庭教师授课。

    Then the child has private lessons all the year round .

  9. 这里一年到头都有很多苹果。

    Apples abound here all the year round .

  10. 一年到头也没钓到一条鱼。

    He had not caught a single fish for a year .

  11. 这里一年到头都有很多橙子。

    Oranges abound here all the year round .

  12. 一年到头,总会有休假的、出差的或病了的同事。

    Throughout2 the year , there are always people on leave , away from the office or off sick .

  13. 科罗拉多州威尔市(Vail,Colo.)退休人员鲍勃?林恩(BobLinn)与亚历克斯?林恩(AlexLinn)一年到头都在进行户外运动。

    Retirees Bob and Alex Linn of Vail , Colo. , exercise year-round outdoors .

  14. 至于夏日的是虫鸣之声,Coketown所能提供的是一年到头,从星期一早上到星期六夜晚终日不绝于耳的机器轮轴发出的急促嗓音。

    while for the summer hum of insects , it could offer all the year round , from the dawn of Monday to the night of Saturday , the whirr of shafts and wheels .

  15. 愿节日的愉快伴你一年到头。

    May the seasons joy fill you all the year round .

  16. 摇滚歌星看起来是一年到头都被热情洋溢的追星族追随着。

    Rock stars seem to be perpetually followed by hot-blooded groupies .

  17. 我必须一年到头拼命地干。

    I shall have to toil and moil all my days .

  18. 这只鸽子一年到头居住在这里和我们为伴。

    This dove was resident with us all the year round .

  19. 要是一年到头都是春天该多好啊!

    I wish it were spring all the year round .

  20. 英国一年到头刮着西风。

    The west winds blow over Britain all the year .

  21. 古希腊的奴隶们一年到头辛苦的劳作。

    The slaves worked hard all the year round in ancient Greece .

  22. 两家人一年到头天天见面。

    The two families will be meeting every day in the year .

  23. 他一年到头带一顶黑帽子。

    He wears a black hat all the years round .

  24. 该地属热带气候,一年到头都十分宜人。

    And the climate is tropical and very pleasant year-round .

  25. 再加上夏威夷气候暖润,它们一年到头都能产卵繁殖。

    The warm weather permits them to lay eggs all year round .

  26. 我们一年到头随时都有新职员进来。

    All year round we get new members of staff coming in .

  27. 他一年到头穿着同一身西装。

    He wears the same suit year in year out .

  28. 我听说(那里)一年到头都很冷。

    I hear it is cold all the year round .

  29. 在新加坡温度一年到头几乎是一样的。

    In Singapore , the is almost the same .

  30. 一些意志坚强的人一年到头天天在那里游泳。

    There are determined people who swim there every day of the year .