
  • 网络general budget
  1. 地方财政一般预算收入预测模型及实证分析

    Forecasting Model and Empirical Research on the General Budget Revenue of Regional Finance

  2. 于是罚款会进入一个一般预算资金池。

    There it vanishes into a general budget pot .

  3. 人均GDP及城市化水平主要受财政一般预算支出的影响,预算外影响甚微或不存在。

    GDP per person and the level of urbanization are mainly influenced by fiscal expenditure , the influence of extra-budgetary expenditure is little even naught .

  4. 政府奖励资金,在财政一般预算或基金预算中安排。

    Governmental reward fund shall be arranged in the general budget or fund budget of finance .

  5. 仅2009年一年,全省44个县(市)财政一般预算收入就达到290.6亿元,比上一年增加了80多个亿。

    Financial budget income of 44 county reached 290.6 billion Yuan in 2009 , more over 80 billion than in 2008 .

  6. 是营林生产投资建设资金,不属于行政事业性收费,也就不应混同一般预算外资金管理看待,成为税政指认的课税对象。

    It is a fund of forestry investment rather than an administrative fee . Therefore , it should not be taxed as other management fees .

  7. 税收收入是一般预算收入的主体,但目前税收收入比例有下降趋势,而且中部地区比例下降最快。

    Tax revenue is the main part of general budget revenue , however , its proportion declines gradually , especially in central region . 2 .

  8. 一般预算收入是通过一定的形式和程序有计划组织的由国家支配,纳入预算治理的资金。

    Average budgetary receipts is to pass what proper form and program in a planned way organize to be controlled by the country , bring into the capital of budgetary management .

  9. 坦桑尼亚是要求捐助者向一般预算而不是特定卫生项目诸如免疫项目提供资助的少数国家之一。

    Tanzania is one of only a handful of countries to request that donors give funds to their general budget rather than to specific health projects , such as immunisation programmes .

  10. 省际财政收入的结构比较分析包括一般预算收入占财政总收入比重、税收收入占一般预算收入比重、税收收入与非税收入增长速度、税收收入内部结构等内容。

    Including general budget revenue in the proportion of total fiscal revenue , tax revenues accounted for the proportion of general budget revenue , tax revenue and non-tax revenue growth , internal structure of tax revenues and so on .

  11. 通过对中央和地方一般预算收入分级比重情况、税收收入和非税收入结构情况以及税收收入结构情况的分析,可取得财政收入结构的合理区间范围,以实现我国财政收入运行科学化。

    Passing analysis to grade proportion condition for central and local general budgetary receipts , tax revenue and non tax revenue . We may get the reasonable interval scope of financial income structure in order to realize the financial income operation science .

  12. 结合实际编制预算要求,从一般预算软件的实现过程、定额数据库建立、工程量计算、钢筋计算、换算处理等方面分析了预算软件的设计方法、程序设计等问题。

    In this paper combined with budget compilation requirements and design process of common budget software the design method , program design and operation of budget software are analyzed in detail from the establishment of norm database , estimation of quantity , conversion treatment and so on .

  13. 提高国有资本经营预算调入一般公共预算的比例。

    We will increase the percentage of funds transferred from the budgets for state capital operations to general public budgets .

  14. 首先,在编制预算的时候,各部门在分析自身计划的基础上,根据他们的需要向相应部门(一般是预算委员会)提交预算估计,并对他们要求的合理性作出必要的说明。

    First , when the budget is being established , departments analyze their own plans and submit estimates to cover their requirements , justifying each of their requests by demonstrating a need .

  15. 发展质量有新的提升,一般公共预算收入增长8.6%,研究与试验发展经费支出与国内生产总值之比超过2%,能耗强度下降4.8%,是近年来最大降幅。

    The quality of development was raised . Revenue in the general public budgets grew by 8.6 % . Research and development spending accounted for more than 2 % of the GDP . Energy intensity was cut by 4.8 % , the biggest reduction made in recent years .

  16. 由于这些原因,一般其它资本预算方法比如NPV,IRR更为常用。

    For these reasons , other methods of capital budgeting like NPV , IRR are generally preferred .

  17. 在东欧国家,住宅成本一般占家庭预算的40%。

    Housing costs typically absorb 40 per cent of family budgets in Eastern European countries .

  18. 最后,需要对社会保障预算与一般性公共预算、国有资本经营预算的关系进行了明确。

    Finally , need for social security budget and the general public budget , state-owned capital management budget of the relationship of clear .

  19. McAdams说,资助计划加快了捐助机构为免疫方案作出贡献的速度,并帮助确定了一般取决于年度预算的援助流动。

    The financing plan accelerates donor contributions to immunization programs and helps lock in aid flows , which usually depend on annual budgets , says McAdams .

  20. 一般而言,国家预算不向国家政策性银行提供利率补贴。

    Generally the State budget does not provide interest rate subsidy to the State Policy Banks .

  21. 一般认为,全面预算管理是管理会计的重要组成部分,也是现代企业管理的重要方法和手段。

    Generally , overall budget is regarded as an important component of management accounting and an important method of modern corporation management .

  22. 长期以来,公共预算中的资源配置决策主要是由政府和代议机构在不同的制度安排下做出的,公民个人一般没有直接介入预算。

    For a long time , the decision-making of resource allocation in public budget mainly made by the government and representative institutions under the different institutional arrangements , individual citizen do not directly participate in the public budget .

  23. 第二章介绍了国有资本经营预算作为预算的一般性质和不同与一般预算的特殊性,并以经济法的视角分析国有资本经营预算的一般性和特殊性的关系。

    The second chapter describes the general nature and specificity of the state-owned capital operating budget . With the perspective of economic law analysis of the relationship between the two .