
  • 网络Land;a piece of land;a plot of land;a piece of ground;lot;parcel;plat
  1. 巴顿在其中一块地上造完自己第一座房子并在另一块地上开工后创办了自己的建筑公司,主要从事复古改造的业务。

    After building his first home on one lot and flipping the other , Barton started his own home building company that specialized in historic reproductions .

  2. 这家工厂抢占了附近学校的一块地。

    The factory was unlawfully built on a piece of land which belongs to a nearby school .

  3. 他们试着在洞穴正下方的一块地上挖掘。

    They tried digging in a patch just below the cave

  4. 他将自己的几部影片东一块西一块地拼凑成一部新电影。

    He 's making a new film by jumbling together bits of his other movies

  5. 他连续5年在同一块地里种植不同的作物,研究人员称之为轮作。

    He grew a different crop on the same field five years in a row , what researchers call crop rotation

  6. 这位农民刚刚又买了一块地。

    The farmer has just bought a new piece of land .

  7. 我们正在旁边一块地里放羊。

    We 're grazing the sheep in the next field .

  8. 韦弗布鲁巴科在卢茨(Lutz)买下了350英亩地,并预留了一块地用于裸体主义者的度假地。

    Weaver Brubaker bought 350 acres in Lutz and set aside a section for use as a nudist resort .

  9. 在俄亥俄州的克利夫兰市(Cleveland),有家购物中心里的一块地建起了室内花园,其他的都市农业项目也许可以借鉴此案例。

    In Cleveland , Ohio , part of a mall has been given over to indoor gardens , with the idea that it might be a model for other urban agriculture programmes .

  10. 他耕了一块地,种些蔬菜。

    He ploughed a plot of land and planted some vegetables .

  11. 然后你所有的种子都落到一块地上。

    And then all your seed fell on the fellow ground .

  12. 有特殊的特征或潜在军事用途的一块地。

    A piece of ground having specific characteristics or military potential .

  13. 显示一块地的界限的标记。

    A mark showing the boundary of a piece of land .

  14. 他许可他的邻居使用他的一块地。

    He grant his neighbour a licence to use his field .

  15. 我在河边有一块地,长满了杂草。

    I have a patch of land , in which grow weeds .

  16. 位于巴达赫尚省一块地里的一颗罂粟果分泌出鸦片膏。

    A poppy bulb oozes opium paste in a fieldin Badakhshan Province .

  17. 记得,当你向别人掷块土,那你可少了一块地。

    Remember that whenever you throw mud at somebody you lose ground .

  18. 羊栏尤指羊圈等为家畜圈起的一块地。

    A fenced enclosure for domestic animals , especially sheep .

  19. 他们用栏杆围起一块地来作为试验田。

    They railed in a piece of ground for an experiment plot .

  20. 地图上标有每一块地的排水沟。

    On the map the drains of each field are laid sown .

  21. 这是另一块地,这里也曾裸露和侵蚀,

    This was another site where it had been bare and eroding ,

  22. 我在寻找一块地皮盖房子。

    I 'm looking for a piece of land to build on .

  23. 我们想要买一块地盖房子。

    We want to buy a plot of land to build a house .

  24. 我们看啊港湾附近的一块地。

    We 've got our eye on a place down near the harbor .

  25. 两年前卖出了最后一块地。

    Last piece sold off about two years ago .

  26. 相当大的一块地、一所房子、一笔钱

    A sizeable field , house , sum of money

  27. 他们留出一块地建学校,已立桩标出。

    They 've set aside an area as school rand staked it off .

  28. 他犁了差不多一块地才有人注意到他。

    He had plowed up quite a piece of ground before anyone noticed him .

  29. 扬子江船业子公司买下一块地和码头。

    Acquisition Of Land With Wharf Attached By Jiangsu New Yangzi Shipbulding Co. , Ltd.

  30. 仔细地选择一块地。

    A strip of ground was carefully selected .