
  1. 今天,美国职业棒球大联盟将这一休假延长至世界职业棒球大赛。

    Today , Major League Baseball extended that leave through the World Series .

  2. 你可以控制的休克与一休,高,低开关!

    You can control the shock with an off , high and low switch !

  3. 他考虑到某一休养胜地。

    He contemplated going to some health resort .

  4. 促进全球经济一休化

    Foster the integration with the global economy

  5. 这一名称在汉代的确立以及汉代“五日一休”规定的背后有着深刻的文化根源。

    Both the name " Xiu Mu " and the holiday span have special cultural origins .

  6. 如果你不是很熟悉“一休哥”,那我们现在来恶补一下,这部动画片讲述了和尚“一休”的童年故事。

    In case you are not familiar with Ikkyu-san , the anime tells the childhood story of Buddhist monk Ikkyu .

  7. 我司是一家集产品设计、开发、生产、销售为一休的企业。

    Division I is a set of product design , development , production , sales for a short break business .

  8. 好吧,这可能比福铃木版的“一休”更让人不爽,要知道在全世界有数百万的多啦A梦迷。

    OK , that 's probably even more annoying than Fuku 's Ikkyu-given that there are millions of Doraemon fans around the world .

  9. 当看到福铃木身着一休的服装亮相时,我的第一印象就是:“不,一休不应该是这个样子的。”

    When Fuku shows up in Ikkyu 's costume , my first impression was : " No , Ikkyu should not look like this . "

  10. 近日,经典日本动画片《聪明的一休》真人版引发有关这一问题的热议。这部总时长2小时的迷你剧集于本月初在日本电视台播出。

    The recent actors ' version of classic Japanese anime Ikkyu-san raised this question when a two-hour mini series aired on Japanese TV earlier this month .

  11. 但扎起看过真人版的迷你剧集之后,一休的经典台词恰恰表达了我的感受:休息,休息一会儿。

    But after watching the new mini series , a classic quote from the boy monk can precisely describe my feelings – I need to take a break .

  12. 但扎起看过真人版的迷你剧集之后,一休的经典台词恰恰表达了我的感受:“休息,休息一会儿。”

    But after watching the new mini series , a classic quote from the boy monk can precisely describe my feelings - " I need to take a break . "

  13. 在这部动画片中,一休之所以家喻户晓,不仅仅因为智慧,更少不了他的经典形象:光头、明亮且大大的眼睛以及可爱的笑容。

    In the anime , Ikkyu is known not only for his wit , but also his classic image : shaved head , big and bright eyes , and a lovely smile .