
yī fā ér bù kě shōu
  • 熟语be impossible to halt once started
  1. 她的第一部小说于1998年发表,从此她便一发而不可收。

    Her first novel was published in 1998 and since then she hasn 't looked back .

  2. 然后,全屋的女士就如一群热衷交际的灰姑娘(Cinderella),开始小心翼翼地脱去自己的高跟鞋,奔放热情一发而不可收。

    Then , like a flock of social Cinderellas , women all over the room began to discreetly slip off their towering footwear . No one could curb their enthusiasm .

  3. 用户一旦购买了某个苹果产品,从此就会一发而不可收。

    Once you give Apple your credit card number , you tend to stick around .

  4. 三年以后人类又发现了绕转更为普通恒星的系外行星,从这以后便一发而不可收。

    Planets orbiting more conventional stars turned up three years later , and since then the initial trickle of discoveries has become a flood .

  5. 那晚我喝醉了,她在我耳边甜言蜜语,接着事情就一发而不可收了,反正最后我到了她的房间。

    I was intoxicated one night and she spoke sweet nothings in my ear then one thing led to another and I ended up at her pad .

  6. 该理论最初发源于模糊数学,它是现代自然科学技术高度发展的产物,后来影响广泛,一发而不可收,相继诞生了一系列有关模糊学的边缘学科。

    This theory derived from fuzzy mathematics at first as a result of modern natural scientific and technical high development . Later on , its influence became extensive , and a series of relevant frontier branches of fuzziness emerged in succession .