
jú zi
  • tangerine;mandarin
橘子 [jú zi]
  • [tangerine] 见橘

橘子[jú zi]
  1. 丹摆弄着那片橘子皮,将它不停地展开来卷回去。

    Dan played with the tangerine peel , letting it uncoil and then coil again

  2. 请递给我一个最熟的橘子。

    Hand me of a the ripest tangerine please .

  3. 空气里弥漫着橘子花的香气。

    The air was fragrant with the smell of orange blossoms .

  4. 吃橘子可以预防感冒。

    Eating oranges keeps colds at bay

  5. 他爱吃橘子酱。

    He was fond of marmalade

  6. 他从冰箱里拿了点橘子汁,然后手拿杯子溜达到厨房的窗口。

    He collected some orange juice from the refrigerator and , glass in hand , strolled to the kitchen window

  7. 吃橘子之前先把皮去掉。

    Take the skin off before you eat the orange .

  8. 橘子里含有维生素c。

    Oranges contain vitamin C.

  9. 我为不饮酒的人准备了橘子汁。

    I 've got orange juice for those who don 't drink .

  10. 橘子是苦在其外,甜在其中。

    The outside of an orange is bitter , but the inside is sweet .

  11. 你想吃瓣橘子吗?

    Would you like a piece of orange ?

  12. 我喜欢香蕉胜过橘子。

    I like bananas better than oranges .

  13. 这是一棵大橘子树。

    This is a big orange tree .

  14. 她很仔细地用纸把橘子包起来。

    She papered the oranges carefully .

  15. 冷冻的橘子和苹果会便宜一点儿,而且水果对大脑真的有好处。

    " The frozen oranges and apples are a little cheaper , and fruits are really good for the brain . "

  16. 想着海滩和橘子树,我动身前往了那片充满维他命C的温暖之地。

    I left for the land of warmth and vitamin C ( C ) , thinking of beaches and orange trees .

  17. 向斗志昂扬的孩子们分发切好的橘子就像看着自己的孩子进球一样令人兴奋。

    Handing out sliced oranges to bloodthirsty kids can be as exciting as watching your own kid score a goal .

  18. 橘子的皮很容易剥掉

    Tangerines have skins that are easy to take off .

  19. 我们需要多些苹果,少些橘子。

    We need more apples and fewer oranges .

  20. 要不就吃一个完整的橘子,或者做一份水果沙拉。

    Or just eat and savor6 a whole orange or make a fruit salad .

  21. 因此,比较苹果和橘子就是比较两种完全不同的东西。

    So then , to compare apples and oranges is to compare two very different things .

  22. 马良非常高兴,他为穷人画了很多面包和很多鸡蛋、橘子、苹果、梨子,还为他们画了船和房子。

    Ma Liang was very happy , he drew a log1 of bread and many eggs , oranges , apples , pears and bananas for the poor men , and he drew boats and houses for them too .

  23. 苹果有更多的纤维,但橘子则富含维生素c。

    The apple has more fiber , but the orange excels in vitamin C.

  24. 橘子是我们所需维生素C的主要来源。

    Oranges are a good source of the vitamin C that we need .

  25. 橘子所含的维生素B有收敛及润滑肌肤的作用。

    The orange contains Vitamin B has restrains and lubricates flesh 's function .

  26. 而维他命C存在于蔬菜和水果中,例如柚子和橘子。

    Vitamin C is found in vegetables and fruits such as grapefruit and oranges .

  27. 我喜欢香蕉和苹果。B:你喜欢别的水果吗?A:是的,我也喜欢橘子和梨子。

    We like bananas and apples . B : Do you like other fruits ? A : Yes , I also like oranges and pears .

  28. 格勒威利博士说,相同重量的土豆比橘子含有的维生素C还多,所以也是预防感冒的首选。

    " Pound for pound , potatoes contain more vitamin C than oranges , so are perfect for anyone looking to ward off colds ," says Dr Glenville .

  29. A.一方面来说,人类和计算机的思考方式完全不同,所以拿它们作比较就类似于比较苹果和橘子。

    A. ON ONE HAND , HUMANS and computers dovery different types of thinking , so comparing them is like comparing applesand oranges .

  30. 与很多州一样,加州的销售人员须签订区域合同——例如,鲍勃(Bob)在洛杉矶郡(LosAngelesCounty)卖百事可乐,南希(Nancy)在橘子郡(OrangeCounty)卖百事可乐。

    California is one of many states in which salespeople have regionalcontracts - for instance , Bob sells Pepsi in Los Angeles County and Nancy sellsPepsi in Orange County .