
  1. 儿行千里母担忧,送孩子离家外出读大学,父母的心也不能放松。

    Sending a child off to college can certainly be stressful for concerned parents .

  2. 不论先前所犯的错如何伤他父母的心,他仍很快地忘记,且再犯另一个错,因他知道父母会原谅他。

    No matter how much he hurt his parents with his previous wrong-doing , he would soon turn around and do something else wrong & knowing he would be forgiven .

  3. 当你越接近自己,你可能会遗憾自己所牺牲掉能花在自己身上的心力多于花在让父母满意的心力上。

    When you 're nearing your end you 'll likely regret more the sacrifices you made to your individuality than how pleased your parents were of you .

  4. 学校说,此举是为了发扬中国传统美德,表达学生对父母的感恩之心。

    But the fact is , bowing ceremonies were a Chinese tradition for thousands of years until they were abolished in1912 for representing feudal values .

  5. 痛苦、汗水、眼泪,《脂忧胖小孩》记录了六个月以来胡礼跟这班青少年相处的生活,整个计划不单改变了那些青少年和他们父母的身和心,更是发人深省。

    Pain , sweat and tears , Ian 's six-month journey with the kids inspires not only the kids and the parents , but also every single one of us .

  6. 另一传统习俗是赠送卡片和礼物。孩子们在学校亲手制作,许多成年人也自制礼物。这些亲手制作的礼物比那些花钱买来的更有价值。礼物的贵贱并不重要,“重要的是对父母的拳拳之心”。

    Another tradition is to give cards an d gifts.Children make them in school.Many people make their own presents.These are valued more than the ones bought in stores.It is not the value of the gift that is important , but it is " the thought that counts "

  7. 他已经把老师和父母的警告铭记在心。

    The warnings of the teacher and the parents have sunk in his mind .