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  1. 从简牍材料来看,秦汉子女法律上的孝亲责任主要表现在供养其亲、奔丧居丧、追孝父祖。

    The duty of filial piety wan providing for his parents , hastening home for the funeral of his elders and sacrificing forefathers from bamboos .

  2. 男性子孙在继承家产的同时,必须承担祭祀父祖和赡养父祖的义务,这一原则体现了中国农民权利与义务相统一的朴素法意识。

    Besides , male offspring have to be responsible for supporting and offering sacrifice to paternal ancestors . This principle represents Chinese farmers ' simple awareness of unity of right and duty .

  3. 中国古代遗嘱继承制度的特点表现在两方面,一是能采取遗嘱继承方式的被继承人有严格的身份地位限制,即只能是父祖尊长;

    Testamentary succession in ancient China had two features : one was that a strict limitation was imposed on the personal status of the deceased who could adopt this method , that is , they could only be grandfather or father .

  4. 昆仑山:昆仑山,横空出世,气势磅薄,被世人称之为国山之父龙脉之祖,神话传说之摇篮;

    Kunlun Mountain : Kunlun Mountain , appears , with overpowering momentum , is called the father of the country mountain and the ancestor of the dragon vein by the world person , cradle of the myth fable ;