
  1. 本届政府承诺扩大父母在教育方面的选择权。

    This government is committed to extending parental choice in education .

  2. 我们同我父母在城里一家餐馆吃饭。

    We dined with my parents at a restaurant in town .

  3. 父母在儿童的天地里是最重要的人。

    Parents are the most important people in a child 's world .

  4. 生育较晚的大龄父母在今天似乎成了常事,而不是个例。

    Older parents seem to be the norm rather than the exception nowadays .

  5. 他的父母在激烈争吵中离了婚。

    His parents went through an acrimonious divorce .

  6. 很多人是孤儿,他们的父母在垃圾中找吃的时丢了性命。

    Many are orphans , their parents killed as they scavenged for food

  7. 这对幸福的新人和他们各自的父母在舞池中翩翩起舞。

    The happy couple and their respective parents took to the floor .

  8. 他由养父母在伦敦抚养长大。

    He was brought up by adoptive parents in London .

  9. 宠爱他的父母在他13岁时就给他买了第一辆竞速自行车。

    His doting parents bought him his first racing bike at 13 .

  10. 她的父母在血统上其实是美国人。

    Her parents were in fact American by birth .

  11. 单亲父母在申请住房时享有优先权。

    Single parents got priority in the housing queue

  12. 他的妻子和我的父母在旁边时,我会极力躲着他。

    I would avoid him like the plague when his wife and my parents were around

  13. 我父母在北京。

    My parents are in Beijing .

  14. 她的父母在五十年代迁往新疆落籍。

    Her parents moved to Xinjiang in the fifties and settled down there .

  15. 当他的父母在事故中丧生之后,他便成了孤儿。

    When his parents were killed in an accident , he became an orphan .

  16. 近50%的高收入且大学毕业的父母在其子女5岁前就把他们送去学艺术,相比之下,教育程度较低且低收入的家长这么做的比例为20%。

    Nearly half of high-earning , college-graduate parents enrolled their children in arts classes before they were 5 , compared with one-fifth of low-income , less - educated parents .

  17. 斯坦伯格指出,父母在社交媒体上的分享有助于建立社群、联系分散的家庭、对父母作为孩子唯一代言人的重要社会问题提供支持、提高认识。

    Steinberg pointed out that parental sharing on social media helps build communities , connect spread-out families , provide support and raise awareness around important social issues for which parents might be their children 's only voice .

  18. 我父母在抚养孩子的方式上是团结一致的,但主要是我母亲在抚养。

    My mother and father were united in their way of raising children , but it mostly fell to my mother to actually carry it out .

  19. 孩子成年或离家后,父母在做饭时仍然做孩子的那份儿,这一行为被指是引发英国食物浪费危机的原因。

    Parents who continue to cook for children who have grown up or left home have been blamed for fuelling Britain 's food waste crisis .

  20. 扫雪机父母在英国和美国日渐增多,约有四分之一的青少年都有父母请的家教帮他们提高学习成绩。

    Snowplough parenting is becoming increasingly common in the UK as well as the US with nearly a quarter of teenagers supplied with tutors by their parents in a bid to boost their grades .

  21. 之后,其父母在Fox新闻台对此予以否认。

    Her parents , appearing later on Fox News , denied that .

  22. 迈尔斯·斯科特(MilesScott)的父母在两年内相继去世,他现在和祖母住在一起。

    Miles Scott lives with his grandmother after his mother and father died within two years of each other .

  23. 患儿父母在术后干预前的SAS和SDS得分均高于国内常模,差异有统计学意义(p0.05)。

    The SAS / SDS scores in parents before intervention were higher than the national norm ( p0.05 ) .

  24. 我父母在圣诞那天来做客,他们带来了这封从欧洲寄来的信,收信人的名字用的是我的娘家姓Lemon。

    My parents came to visit on Christmas day and they had this letter from Europe addressed to my maiden name , Lemon .

  25. 上周五早晨,桑德伯格携父母在摩根大通(JPMorganChase)总部与公司CEO杰米•戴蒙共进早餐,并就如何激励和授权女性高管进行了宣讲。

    Friday morning at JP Morgan Chase ( JPM ) headquarters , she dined between CEO Jamie Dimon and her parents , and then evangelized about empowerment to executive women .

  26. 他希望父母在政治问题上开通一些。

    He wished his parents were more open-minded on political issues .

  27. 父母在炕上做尽可能多的家务活。

    Parents do as many chores as they can on them .

  28. 我通常和我父母在山上赏鸟。

    I usually watch birds in the mountains with my parents .

  29. 我父母在的时候有过机会。

    I had some chances before when my parents were alive .

  30. 我父母在这件事情上从未意见一致过。

    My mother and father have never agreed on this matter .