
  • Father and Son
  1. 索尔·贝娄所创作的几乎所有的长篇小说中都隐含着一个“父与子”的主题。

    Almost all of Saul Bllow 's full-length novels deal with the theme of " fathers and sons " .

  2. 这个名为“父与子”的展览将展出与亚当斯家庭和布什家庭的总统们有关的和平条约、战时最后通牒、家信及私人纪念品。

    " Fathers and sons " will feature peace treaties and wartime ultimatums , family letters and personal keepsakes from the presidencies of the Adamses and the bushes .

  3. 论《名誉领事》中的父与子母题

    On the Motif of Father and Child in The Honorary Consul

  4. 父与子的阻隔;

    The barrier between the fa the r and son ;

  5. 不认父与子的,这就是敌基督的。

    He is antichrist , that denieth the Father and the Son .

  6. 现在我们不是父与子了,我们都是父亲了。

    Now we 're not father and son , we 're both father .

  7. 或两个大男人,或父与子,

    or two men who are friends , or a man and his son ,

  8. 多离奇的一场比赛,第一次父与子…

    And what an extraordinary game this is . For the first time a father and son

  9. 人们经常发现在同一剧中同一演员兼演父与子。

    It is often found the same actor doubles with father and son in the same play .

  10. 问题是这个电视连续剧叫作父与子,所以我想他们是想要个男人。

    Well , the series is called Father and son , so I guess they wanted a man !

  11. 其中反复提到父与子的关系,在约翰福音中,主是耶稣的父。

    Son and father linkage , over and over again , God is Jesus'father in the Gospel of John .

  12. 基督的回答,是有关父与子原为一体的其中一个最重要的宣言。

    That answer is really one of the greatest statements regarding the unique oneness of the Father and the Son .

  13. 本文主要探索黑格尔的历史哲学与屠格涅夫长篇小说《父与子》、《罗亭》之间的关系。

    This thesis mainly explore the relationships between Hegel 's historical philosophy and Turgenev 's novels Rotain and Fathers and Children .

  14. 父与子间此段序列的同源性极高,核苷酸与氨基酸同源性分别达99.6%与99.4%。

    The HBV homology of the father and fetus was 99.6 % at nucleotide , 99.4 % at amino acid level .

  15. 使那燃烧在父与子里面为要拯救罪人的热火也烧在我们心里。

    The burning desire of father and son for the salvation of souls must be the burning desire of our heart too .

  16. 这剧对于君与臣,父与子之间正确的关系,持怎样的观点?

    What view do you think the play takes of the right relation between ruler and subject , and between parent and offspring ?

  17. 我们已经看见,父与子的主要特性,就是他们中间彼此的爱,和对人的爱。

    We have seen that the chief attribute of the Father and of the Son is love to each other and love to man .

  18. 论二十世纪中国家族家庭小说中的父与子

    Research on the Relationship of the Father Generation and the Son Generation in the 20 ~( th ) Century Chinese Clan / family Novel

  19. 谁是说谎话的呢。不是那不认耶稣为基督的麽。不认父与子的,这就是敌基督的。

    Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ ? He is antichrist , that denieth the Father and the Son .

  20. 流浪汉、父与子、边缘人、牺牲与救赎等犹太文化母题在小说中都得到了一定程度地运用与理解。

    Tramp , Father and Son , Edge , Sacrifice and Redemption , and Jewish culture motif in the novel gets some degree of using and understanding .

  21. 他将隐喻的父与子主题与美国文化相结合,从中生发出关于整个人类的文化哲学思考。

    He combines the metaphorical theme of " fathers and sons " with America culture , out of which the cultural and philosophical contemplation about human beings grows .

  22. 有的只是父子间抢夺财产、抢夺情人的丑剧,欲望就如同遇到火苗的干柴,仇恨的火焰在父与子的心中熊熊燃烧。

    Father and son snatch the property and the lover . Desire flames meeting the dry , the flames of hatred are burning in the hearts of father and sons .

  23. 以这种界定去观照贝娄的长篇小说,可以发现,在表面的故事情节之下,有一个与之平行发展的并且不断强化的父与子主题的情节结构。

    According to this definition , below the surface of story strand , it is found that there is a paralleled developing and unceasingly intensifying theme of " fathers and sons " .

  24. 由于父与子之间这种奇妙完全的和谐,当神的儿子祷告“愿父的旨意成就”时,神伟大的救赎才得完成。

    It was in the wonderful and complete harmony between the Father and the Son when the Son said ," Thy will of love be done ," that the great redemption was accomplished .

  25. 实验中三组学生分别在三种不同的任务重复条件下完成口语叙述任务(看图讲故事),故事选自著名漫画集《父与子》。

    During the experiment the three groups performed the oral narrative task ( story retelling ) in three different task conditions . The story is selected from the famous comics Vater and Sohn .

  26. 约壹二22谁是说谎的?不是那否认耶稣是基督的麽?否认父与子的,这就是敌基督的。

    1jn . 2:22 who is the liar if not he who denies that Jesus is the christ ? This is the antichrist , the one who denies the father and the son .

  27. 通观华裔美国小说的主题内容,唐人街、母与女、父与子等典型母题得到了反复的、浓墨重彩的艺术表现。

    A survey of the thematic concerns of Chinese American novels shows that " Chinatown ", " Mother-Daughter " and " Father-Son " motifs have been repeatedly portrayed by Chinese American writers in their artistic imagination .

  28. 耶和华说,我要使他们彼此相碰,就是父与子彼此相碰。我必不可怜,不顾惜,不怜悯,以致灭绝他们。

    And I will dash them one against another , even the fathers and the sons together , saith the lord : I will not pity , nor spare , nor have mercy , but destroy them .

  29. 因此,国家对如何调整家庭内部的血亲关系尤其是父与子之间的亲子关系十分重视,以家父权为核心的中国古代亲子法在整个封建法律体系中处于十分重要的地位。

    The government , therefore , pays great attention to adjust the kindred relationships , especially the relationship between the fathers and sons . Chinese ancient parentage laws which concentrate on the paternity are of great importance in the whole feudal legal system .

  30. 同时利用父类与子类间数据成员、成员函数的继承关系,可以优化曲线测设程序的整体设计。

    Moreover , it can optimize the whole design program by making use of inheritance relations of data members and member functions between the basic class and its derived class .