
chūn cháo
  • spring tide
春潮 [chūn cháo]
  • [spring tide] 春季的潮汐,形容其势之猛

  • 春潮带雨晚来急,野渡无人舟自横。--韦应物《滁州西涧》

  1. 果馨花香、云影月圆聚合家团圆日,红旗飘飘、欢天喜地,春潮涌动,万民欢腾。

    Guo Xin flowers , clouds , full moon aggregate family reunion day , red flags fluttering , joy , spring tide is surging , 10000 people joy .

  2. 你覧尽了春潮思绪般的瞬间了吗?

    Your spring tide train of thought instantaneous ?

  3. 但随着国内外环境的改善和一些制约因素的逐渐消除,尤其中国加入WTO后,外资并购活动已春潮涌动。

    However , with the domestic and international environment improving and some restricting factors gradually eliminating , particularly since China joining WTO , foreign investment M A ( FIM A ) has been surging like spring tides .

  4. 上海中心城区区域绿地规划建设思路初探普陀区长寿绿地普陀春潮方案简介

    An Initial probe into the Greenland plan and Construction of Shanghai Central city Area

  5. 似那春潮退去鸽灰的沙滩

    As the tide wears the dove-grey sands

  6. 四月,春潮带雨袭来之时,她挟一段爱飘然而至。

    April , come she will , when streams are rip and swelled with rain .

  7. 像春潮般的涌动!

    Like a spring flood surging !

  8. 古都大地涌春潮&记西安市土地管理局

    Xi'an Municipal Land Management Bureau

  9. 春潮每间隔1周出现1次,通常出现在离开新月和满月几天之内。

    Spring tides occur every two weeks , usually within a few days of the new and full moon .

  10. 回归自然的意识在他早期的作品《春潮》中已经萌生,并且在他的杰作《老人与海》中达到成熟。

    The consciousness of return to nature begins to burgeon in his first novella The Torrents of Spring and reaches its maturity in his masterpiece The Old Man and the Sea .

  11. 文学发展如春潮涌动,文学现象纷繁多彩,文学思潮自由争鸣,文学创作硕果累累。

    The development of literature in 1980s was like the surging tide in spring . There were different kinds of literary phenomena . Various ideological trends of literature contended freely , and literary creation got a good harvest .