
  • 网络The Rite of Spring
  1. 斯特拉文斯基写过一些很著名的芭蕾舞曲,如《火鸟》、《彼得鲁什卡》和《春之祭》。

    Stravinsky wrote some of his best-known music for ballets : The Firebird , Petrushka , and The Rite of Spring .

  2. 除此以外,他还是约翰·亚当斯《世纪摇滚》钢琴和管弦乐队协奏曲以及伊戈尔·斯特拉文斯基《春之祭》的编曲作者。

    Alexey is the author of the transcriptions of such works as " Concerto for Piano and Orchestra "," Century Rolls " by John Adams and " The Rite of Spring " by Igor Stravinsky .

  3. 演出节目以斯特拉文斯基的《春之祭》结束。

    The programme concluded with Stravinsky 's ' Rite of Spring ' .

  4. 《春之祭》会更应景

    Wouldn 't sacre du printemps be more appropriate ?

  5. 文章从组曲《春之祭》的创作特征出发,分析了西方现代音乐的一般表现特征及创作价值。

    From the creative characteristic of the suite of " sacrifices to the spring ", this paper analyses the general creative characteristic and value of the western modernistic music .