
zuǒ xián
  • stroke-side;portside;port;larboard
左舷[zuǒ xián]
  1. 自左舷松下一根引缆给带缆船。

    Lower one messenger rope to the mooring boat from portside .

  2. 你们其余的人去左舷。

    The rest ofyou take portside .

  3. 这艘船的注册编号刻在前舱的左舷上。

    Her official number is carved on the port side of the forecabin .

  4. 将左舷1号舱的100t压载水驳到右舷2号双层舱。

    Transf.100 t of ballast water from Port no.1 to STBD No.2 double bottom .

  5. 左舷一侧有人落水了。

    I 've got a man overboard on the port side .

  6. 左舷的安全设备还没有检查完。

    Safety equipment on port deck have not been checked yet .

  7. 重新认证左舷吊车扒杆变幅绳。

    Have the boom pennant wires of port crane re-certified .

  8. 船只出现向左舷危险倾斜。

    The ship took on a dangerous cant to port .

  9. 最后,左舷发动机终于逐渐重新怒吼起来。

    At last the port engine coughed back to full roaring life .

  10. 把左舷船头拖船绑牢。

    Make fast tug ( s ) on port bow .

  11. 一艘集装箱船正从左舷追越我们。

    A container vessel is overtaking us from port side .

  12. 向左舷转向,引航船不能离开大船。

    Alter course to starboard & pilot boat unable to clear vessel .

  13. 左舷集合地点船员装备齐全。

    Equipment of the crew at port side assembly station is complete .

  14. 左舷正横前来船避让措施的探讨

    Discussion on collision avoidance actions against vessels on forward of port a beam

  15. 右舷的结构跟左舷的不一样。

    The structure of the starboard side is different from the port side .

  16. 损坏的船向左舷倾斜。

    The damaged ship was leaning over to port .

  17. 在左舷方向我们看见一所白色教堂。

    We opened a white church to the port .

  18. “胜利”号在特拉法加战役时的第一炮是左舷的卡隆炮。

    The first gun of the'Victory'to fire at Trafalgar was the larboard carronade .

  19. 通知拖轮过来靠左舷。

    Call the boat to come along port side .

  20. 可就在这时,他们看见左舷船头那边有陆地。

    But at the same time they sighted land on their port bow .

  21. 二舱左舷甲板的两辆卡车因绑得不好而碰撞了。

    The two trucks on No.2 port deck collided because of bad lashingbinding .

  22. 船首部转向装置机构室在船首左舷正横方向

    Bow thruster machinery compartment broad on the port beam

  23. 把绳梯放在左舷上。

    Get a ladder over the port side .

  24. 靠向左舷…左舷走道的靠向右舷!

    side away to larboard-larboard gangway to starboard !

  25. 主甲板机舱左舷入口门没有闭合器。

    Main deck E.R.entrance door port-door closer missing .

  26. 船长,哪一舷靠泊?右/左舷靠泊。有没有管理费和泊车费?

    Captain , which side is to get alongside ? Starboard / port side .

  27. 船长命令舵手转左舷。

    The captain gave the helmsman the order to put the helm to port .

  28. 在你船左舷处的船正在加速。

    Vessel port of you increasing speed .

  29. 把引航船置于你船左舷处。

    Keep pilot boat on port side .

  30. 左舷发电机飞轮罩没有了。

    Port diesel generator flywheel guard missing .