
  • 网络the Crimean War
  1. 她成为世界知名的为她服务,在克里米亚战争。

    She became world famous for her service during the Crimean war .

  2. 她在克里米亚战争时期逐渐地出名。

    She became famous during the Crimean War years .

  3. 克里米亚战争是19世纪的一场重要的国际战争。

    Crimean war was an important international war in the 19 th century .

  4. 这位公爵是位军人,还参加过克里米亚战争。

    The Duke was in the Army and served in the Crimean War .

  5. 克里米亚战争这时刚刚爆发。

    The Crimean War had just broken out .

  6. 1856年的今天,1856年巴黎和约被签署,结束了克里米亚战争。

    1856-The Treaty of Paris ( 1856 ) is signed , ending the Crimean War .

  7. 是以里斯顿命名的,他是克里米亚战争中的一位外科医生。

    It 's named for Liston , who was a surgeon in the Crimean War .

  8. 克里米亚战争原因探析

    Analysis on the Causes for Crimean War

  9. 克里米亚战争与奥地利外交

    Crimean War and the Diplomacy of Austria

  10. 克里米亚战争的经济根源

    Economic Source of the Crimean War

  11. 克里米亚战争是十九世纪奥地利外交上的一个转折点。

    Crimean war is one of the turning points of diplomacy of Austria in 19th century .

  12. 是百年战争,布尔战争,克里米亚战争还是美国革命?

    Is the Hundred Years ' War , the Boer War , the Crimean War or American Revolution ?

  13. 一个源于克里米亚战争的迷信说法是,三个士兵共享一根火柴,其中定有一人必死无疑。

    The superstition that three to a match will leave one soldier dead dates back to the Crimean War .

  14. 这首诗是关于发生在1850年的克里米亚战争。

    The poem was written about a battle in the Crimean War , which took place during the 1850 .

  15. 不像克里米亚战争本身,我们今天在该地区所看到的更多是一种僵局?

    Unlike the Crimean War itself , what we are seeing today in the region is more of a standoff ?

  16. 这张黑白照片摄于1858年,南丁格尔时年约37岁或38岁,她因在克里米亚战争中的护理工作而成为当时英国的名人。

    The black-and-white image was taken in1858 , when Nightingale was37 or38 and already famous in Britain for her work in Crimea .

  17. 后来,克里米亚战争爆发了,我觉得对他来讲,战争是一件悲哀的事。

    Then , the Crimean War broke out . I felt that sad for him that there had to be a war .

  18. 在《轻装旅进攻》(又译《英烈传》&译者注)中,诗人以此描绘了著名的克里米亚战争的惨烈。

    From The Charge of the Light Brigade , the poem tells of the famous and brutal military disaster in the Crimean war .

  19. 当时由于她专业的护理技术而颇受敬重,因此被要求帮助和照顾在克里米亚战争中受伤的英国士兵。

    She had already acquired a reputation for her nursing expertise and had been asked to help treat British soldiers wounded in the Crimean War .

  20. 它是欧洲政治的重要内容。在克里米亚战争前的几十年间,英、俄两国的矛盾较为尖锐,他们在近东推行着不同的政策。

    For dozens of years before Crimean War , there existed sharp contradictions between Russia and Britain , they carried out different policies in near east .

  21. 本课程亦包含历史实例,诸如第一次和第二次世界大战、韩战、中南半岛战争、伯罗奔尼撒战争、克里米亚战争和七年战争。

    Covered historical cases include World War I , World War II , Korea , Indochina , and the Peloponnesian , Crimean and Seven Years wars .

  22. 一方面,从19世纪的克里米亚战争到21世纪的伊拉克战争,这百年来的战争塑造了现代传播的制度;

    From the Crimean War in 19th century to the Iraqi war , years of war have shaped the modern media system , enlightened communication scholars and promoted emergence of new concepts .

  23. 实际上,欧洲列强,特别是英俄两国在近东的经济冲突,是克里米亚战争的经济根源或根本原因。

    As a matter of fact , the economic conflict among European powers , especially that between Great Britain and russia , was the economic source or the cardinal cause of the Crimean war .

  24. 南丁格尔是19世纪英国传奇性的人物,她在克里米亚战争中担任战地医院护士长的事迹经由媒体的传播和渲染被人们所熟知。

    Nightingale was the 19th century Britain legendary character . She has held the post of the field hospital head nurse in the Crimea War , and the fact was known very well by way of the media dissemination and the exaggeration by the people .

  25. 1853年俄罗斯帝国同英、法、奥斯曼帝国盟军进行了一场战争,但就是这场残酷的克里米亚战争夺去75万名士兵的生命,而且是有史以来第一次摄影师们用相片的方式告诉人们战争到底有多残酷。

    In 1853 the Russian Empire fought the allied armies of the Ottoman Empire , France and Great Britain in the short , but brutal Crimean War that claimed the lives of three quarters of a million soldiers and for the first time photographers were able to give people a glimpse of what war was like .

  26. 所有这些,都适用于克里米亚半岛战争。

    All of these things apply to the Crimean War .

  27. 俄国和包括英格兰法国土耳其撒丁的民族群体在克里米亚的战争;1853年到1856年。

    A war in Crimea between Russia and a group of nations including England France Turkey Sardinia ; 1853-1856 .

  28. 一八五三年俄国犯土耳其,引起克里米亚半岛战争,英、法、土耳其联盟抗俄。

    Russian aggression against Turkey in1853 led to the Crimean War between Russia and an alliance of Britain , France and Turkey .

  29. 克里米亚是俄罗斯战争荣耀的象征,是俄罗斯传统、语言、信仰的象征,普京表示。他的话引发了雷鸣般的掌声。

    Crimea is a symbol of ­ Russian war glory , of Russian traditions , language , beliefs , he said , triggering thunderous applause .

  30. 他对变化是最有抵抗性在军队上和一般使负责任对它的停滞在克里米亚半岛和布尔战争之间。

    He was most resistant to change in the Army and is generally held responsible for its stagnation between the Crimean and Boer Wars .