
  • 网络cruiser;cruise;cruise ship
  1. 大型驱逐舰向岸边移动美国的一种比驱逐舰大比巡航舰小的战舰。

    A United States warship larger than a destroyer and smaller than a cruiser .

  2. 无畏级重型巡洋舰有着一系列的设计缺陷,使它无法成为一种卓越的舰种。美国的一种比驱逐舰大比巡航舰小的战舰。

    The Dreadnaught is plagued by a number of design flaws that prevented it from becoming a preeminent ship of the line . a United States warship larger than a destroyer and smaller than a cruiser .

  3. 搭载美国公民撤离黎巴嫩的巡航舰已抵达贝鲁特。

    The cruise ship that plans to bring US citizens in Lebanon to safety has arrived in Beirut .

  4. 据报道,一名马里兰男子醉酒后从佛罗里达海面的巡航舰上跳下,受伤因而接受检查。

    A Maryland man is being examined for injuries after reportedly making a drunken leap from a cruise ship off the Florida coast .

  5. 英国方面称这两艘皇家海军小型巡航舰是在被伊朗革命卫队海军逮捕时进入伊朗海域的。

    Britain says the two small Royal Navy patrol craft were in Iraqi waters when they were seized by sailors of Iran 's Revolutionary Guard .

  6. 巡航经验就是最好的一批目的地,你想重温一段较长一段时间后,而伊朗方面否认了这一点并称当时巡航舰已经侵入伊朗领海。

    Cruising is the best way to experience a number of destinations that you may want to revisit for a longer period of time later . Iran disputes that , saying the craft had entered Iranian waters .