
xún bǔ
  • police or policeman;police or policeman(in former foreign concessions)
巡捕 [xún bǔ]
  • [police or policeman(in former foreign concessions)] 旧时租界中的警察

巡捕[xún bǔ]
  1. 英帝国主义的巡捕向群众开枪,打死打伤许多人。

    The British imperialist police opened fire , killing and wounding many students .

  2. 至于那安南巡捕更可笑了。

    The Vietnamese policemen looked even more ridiculous .

  3. 冲破了巡捕,骑巡,装甲汽车,密密层层的警戒网!

    To have broken through a cordon of policemen and mounted patrols and armoured cars !

  4. 我拿出名片来,巡捕还是不肯放。

    I showed them my card , but they still wouldn 't let me go .

  5. 从阿三称号延续至今,可以看到印度巡捕作为租界时代的标志之一,给国人留下了深刻的印象。

    As one product of the Concession times , the Indian policemen left a deep impression to Chinese .

  6. 有的说,他曾经被巡捕带到明日书店里,问是否是编辑;

    Some said the police had taken him to tomorrow bookstore and asked whether he were an editor there .

  7. 随着租界面积的拓展,界内人口的增多,巡捕房渐渐壮大起来,巡捕的数量和人员构成均有扩展。

    With the expansion of the concession area and the increase in population , SMP grew stronger gradually . The number and composition of the policemen were extended .

  8. 有的说,他曾经被巡捕带往北新书局去,问是否是柔石,手上上了铐,可见案情是重的。

    Others said he had been taken to Bei Xin Bookshop and asked whether he were actually Rou Shi or not . And he had been handcuffed & a sign that his case was grave .