
Dài jì táo
  • journalist and personal secretary to Sun Yat-sen;gave an anti-Communist interpretation to Three People's Principles
  1. 戴季陶与本尼迪克特的日本观比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Concept of Japan between Dai Ji Tao with Benedict

  2. 戴季陶的早期国家思想中包含着较多的时代因素。

    Many an element of his time is involved in the early thoughts of state of Dai Jitao .

  3. 全文概括如下:第一章:戴季陶出生在清末社会动荡时期。

    The outline is as follows : Chapter one : Dai Ji-tao was born in the queasy age of late Qing Dynasty .

  4. 戴季陶坚决地举起女子解放的旗帜,是源于他对中国社会女子地位的深刻了解。

    DAI Ji-tao 's persistence to hold the banner of women 's liberation is originated from his profound understanding of woman 's social position in China .