
  • 网络dai
  1. 戴望舒诗歌创作转向论

    A Discussion about the Direction Change of DAI Wang-shu 's Verse Creation

  2. 论戴望舒诗歌的内在音乐精神

    Talk about the Music Spirit of DAI Wang-shu 's Poem

  3. 断魂的诗语&论戴望舒诗歌中的死亡意识王家新与俄罗斯流亡诗人诗学关系研究

    Research on Poetry Relationship between WANG Jia-xin and Russian Poets in Exile

  4. 从传统到现代&戴望舒诗歌观察

    From the Traditional to Modern & Daiwangshu Poetry Observation

  5. 从诗歌文本看戴望舒心路历程

    Inner Life of Poet Dai Wang-shu : From the Perspective of Poem Text

  6. 戴望舒诗歌中的忧郁具有浓厚的形而上色彩。

    The gloomy atmosphere of Dai Wangshu 's poetry has a strong metaphysical sense .

  7. 戴望舒诗歌中女性意象繁多,并有着单纯、善良、温情、忧郁、缅想的精神气质。

    There are a lot of feminine images in the poetry of Dai Wangshu .

  8. 你在我心头开了烦忧路&论戴望舒的诗与情爱

    You open an annoyed and sorrowed road in my mind & On DAI Wang-shu'poem and passion

  9. 在寻找和无可逃遁之间&戴望舒前期诗歌精神处境浅析

    Between Exploring and No Ways to Escape & the analysis of spirit in Dai Wang-shu 's early poems

  10. 戴望舒笔下结着愁怨的丁香姑娘,她的神与韵不属于今时的我;

    Dai described the clove knot the girl , her God and rhyme at the time this does not belong to me ;

  11. 幽怨雨巷情奇特诗人艺&浅论戴望舒诗的独特性

    Affection in Rain Beaten Lane , Art of Poet so Unique - Preliminary Discussion on Unique Character of Poems by DAI Wang-shu

  12. 戴望舒之感伤凄清、朦胧婉曲的爱情诗,与李商隐开创的玉溪诗风,特别是他的爱情诗风格非常接近,十分类似。

    Most of Dai love poems have sad , dreary and graceful style which was much alike the style of Li love poems .

  13. 论《金瓶梅》艺术世界第一部分从戴望舒诗中的主要意象泪梦水入手,探求诗人独特的精神世界与艺术世界。

    In the first part , starting from the main images of his poetry-tears , dreams , water , the poet 's unique spiritual world and artistic world are discussed .

  14. 戴望舒不成功的爱情成就了他的爱情诗,他的自卑、忧郁的心理气质决定了他爱情诗哀怨悲愁的情感内涵和旷男诉爱的抒情模式。

    People attribute the achievement of Dai Wangshu 's lyric poetry to his failure in love and the style of his poetry to his sense of inferiority and melancholy in disposition .

  15. 戴望舒接受法国象征主义诗艺影响,除了诗歌语言中的音乐性和散文性因素,还有象征主义特有的“暗示”手法。

    Dai Wang-shu accepted the poetry skills from the French symbolism together with the music and prose styles in the poetry language and also accepted the special technique of Hint from symbolism .

  16. 被称为“诗王”的法国象征派先驱诗人保尔·魏尔伦,对我国的象征派诗人戴望舒的诗歌创作,有很大的影响。

    Paul Verlaine , regarded as the forerunner of French symbolism and master-hand in poetry , exerts great influence on the works of Dai Wangshu , who is the representative poet of Chinese symbolism .

  17. 绛色的沉哀&戴望舒前期诗歌的情思特质别走入名牌的迷思,穿你觉得舒服的服饰即可。

    The Crimson Sorrow & On the Affectional Features of Dai Wangshu ′ s Early Poems C. Don ` t go on brand name ; just wear those things in which you feel comfortable .