
lì guó zhī běn
  • The foundation of a country;foundation underlying all our efforts to build the country
立国之本[lì guó zhī běn]
  1. 教育是立国之本,是文化与文明不断传承的基础。

    The education is the foundation underlying all our efforts to build the country and unceasingly transmitting the culture and the civilization .

  2. 工农业乃立国之本。

    Agriculture and industry are the base on which to build up the nation .

  3. 它们是立国之本。

    They are the very foundation on which we build our country .

  4. 自古以来,我国就以农业为立国之本。

    Since ancient times , our country is agriculture country .

  5. 这也是这个国家的立国之本。

    That 's what this country was built on .

  6. 教育是民族振兴的基石,是一个国家的立国之本。

    Education is the cornerstone of national rejuvenation and the founding of a country .

  7. 教育是是立国之本,教育始终是全民全社会聚焦关注的共同事业。

    Education was founded , education is always national society focusing attention on common cause .

  8. 农业是中华民族的立国之本,所有国务的重中之重。

    Agriculture is the founding of the Chinese nation , the top priority in the states .

  9. 我们的先人历来把独立自主视为立国之本。

    Our ancestors always regarded the spirit of maintaining independence as the foundation of a nation .

  10. 人是社会的主体,教育是立国之本,在实现素质教育中,学校体育应重视体育的社会化功能。

    People are the principal part of the society and education is most fundamental to a nation .

  11. 美国国家的立国之本最终还是美国人的决心和信念。

    it is ultimately the faith and determination of the American people upon which this nation relies .

  12. 农业是我国的立国之本,对我国的经济发展起着很重要的作用。

    Agriculture is the foundation of our country , play a very important role in the national economy .

  13. 提要:教育是立国之本,创新是强国之路。

    Brief summary : Education is road that foundation of a nation , the creative is a big country .

  14. 我们的自由和多样性使我们独树一帜,这些始终是我们的立国之本。

    Our freedom and diversity make us unique , and they will always be central to who we are as a nation .

  15. 农业是我国的立国之本,关系人民温饱,关系国家命脉。

    Agriculture is the foundation of our country , the relationship of food and clothing of the people , the relationship between national lifeblood .

  16. 规划强调,强大的装备制造业是先进生产力的体现,是大国的立国之本。

    Planning stressed that the equipment manufacturing industry is a powerful manifestation of advanced productive forces , is the founding of this great country .

  17. 教育是立国之本,教师为教育之本,教师是人类灵魂的工程师。

    The education is founds a nation the foundation , the teacher foundation of for the education , the teacher is human soul engineer .

  18. 教育是立国之本,这是日本从明治维新以来就确定的根本国策。100多年来,正是由于不断进行教育改革,才使日本成为教育现代化国家。

    The author states that the continuous reforms in the education have been significant for the modernization of national thinking , economy and politics of Japan .

  19. 作为立国之本的教育,信息化已成为教育现代化最重要、最鲜明的时代特征。

    Education is the foundation for building a country ; the information technology has the most important and distinctive characteristics of the times of the modern education .

  20. 第二、美国人民有重视教育的传统,美国政府始终把教育当作立国之本的战略大事来抓;第三、美国善于学习欧洲各国的先进经验,同时善于从实际出发勇于创新;

    Secondly , American people has a good tradition of valuing education , and American government regards developing education as the most strategic thing to cope with ;

  21. 四项基本原则作为立国之本,是党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线的重要组成部分。

    The Four Cardinal Principles are the precepts for governing the country , and an essential element of the Partys basic line in the elementary stage of socialism .

  22. 因为无论美国政府能做多少,必须做多少,美国国家的立国之本最终还是美国人的决心和信念。

    For as much as government can do and must do , it is ultimately the faith and determination of the American people upon which this nation relies .

  23. 美国绝对不会为了眼前的流动性而饮鸩止渴,拱手让出自己立国之本&金融体系的命脉。

    S.will not order the immediate liquidity and drinking poison to quench thirst , give up their own foundation for building the country-the lifeblood of the financial system .

  24. 教育是立国之本,人们之所以把教师称之为人类灵魂工程师,提倡尊师重教,都是因为教师这个职业是人类走向文明的重要桥梁和纽带。

    Education is the state 's basic policy , and people call teachers engineers in the souls of mankind because the teaching profession is a bridge Leading humans to civilization .

  25. 1787年宪法开启了美国宪政的历史,成为美国的立国之本,并在美国两百多年的历史长河中始终焕发着生生不息的活力。

    The constitutional history of the U.S. began with The Constitution of 1787 . The consititution became the foundation of the country and worked very well for over two centuries .

  26. 教育乃立国之本,如何提高教学质量充分利用教育资源一直是教育界不断探讨的问题。

    Education is the foundation of a nation , how to improve the quality of teaching and make full use of educational resources have been continuously probed by the educational circles .

  27. 教育是立国之本,是科教兴国的核心内容,是关系国家战略发展的大事情。

    Education is the foundation of underlying all efforts to build the country , the core content of developing the county through science and education and the important thing related to national strategic development .

  28. 农业作为立国之本的重要地位也随着经济的发展日益凸显,伴随产生的农业问题,也成为了困扰着世界许多国家经济发展的重要议题。

    Agriculture as the foundation for building the important status of this with the economic development has become prominent increasingly , with the production of agriculture , has become a important issues in many countries .

  29. 教育是立国之本,以美育人是教育之本,是我们一切教育工作的立足点、出发点和制高点,也是教育最根本的规律。

    Aestheticism is the foundation of education just as education is the foundation of a country . It is the standing point , starting point , commanding point as well as the basic law of all education work .

  30. 农业是我国的立国之本,发展安徽省的农业产业化经营具有重要的战略意义:首先是全面繁荣农村经济,建设农村小康社会的需要;

    The agriculture is our country founds a nation the foundation , develops Anhui Province 's agricultural industry management has the important strategic sense : First is the comprehensive prosperity rural economy , constructs the village well-off society the need ;