
  • 网络stereoscopic teaching material;three-dimensional teaching material
  1. 开发立体化教材和网络课堂,构建新型教学模式

    Roles of Stereoscopic Teaching Material and Web-based Class in Teaching Pattern Reform

  2. 在研究中发现:①改革后的公共课教学策略更加灵活多变,在立体化教材支持下,公共课的教学程序中最常见的活动是师范生在教师指导下的小组协作学习和自主学习。

    From the study , the author has fined some circumstances . Firstly , after the reform , the teaching strategy is more flexible than before . With the support of the stereoscopic teaching material , the common teaching activities are collaborative learning in groups and autonomous learning .

  3. 应用型本科电子技术课程立体化教材建设的研究

    Research on Multi-level Textbook of Electronic Technology Course of Application-oriented Undergraduate

  4. 从《新视野大学英语》看现代教育技术在立体化教材中的应用

    The application of modern educational technology in stereoscopic course books

  5. 航海气象课程体系改革与立体化教材建设

    Curriculum System Reform of Navigation Weather and Its Solid Teaching Material Construction

  6. 关于大学英语两套立体化教材的对比研究

    A Comparative Study on Two Three-Dimensional Textbooks of College English

  7. 在此基础上对立体化教材的组成要素进行了分析。

    The work analyzes component of the materials based on the three-dimensional .

  8. 立体化教材的设计与开发。

    Designing and development of integrated teaching materials .

  9. 论大学英语立体化教材的开发

    On Development of Dimensional College English Learning Material

  10. 顺应全面学分制推进立体化教材建设

    Promoting the Construction of " Three Dimensional " Teaching Materials based on Total Credit System

  11. 国家级精品课程《护理学基本技术》立体化教材的建设与体会

    The construction of tridimensional teaching materials in the national excellent course of Fundamental Nursing Techniques

  12. 这里重点介绍这套立体化教材建设的思路和内容特点。

    This paper introduces the thinking and content features of this set of cubialization teaching material construction .

  13. 第三,在对机器人教育和立体化教材进行论述的基础上,对小学机器人教育立体化教材进行设计。

    Third , It designs three-dimensional materials on the basis of discussing primary Robotics education and three-dimensional materials .

  14. 对大学物理双语教学课程体系建设中的师资队伍建设、立体化教材建设、教学资源共享机制的构建等关键环节进行了详细论述。

    This thesis discusses the construction of teaching faculty , solid teaching materials , and teaching resource sharing mechanism .

  15. 第三,在相关研究缺乏的现状下,对小学机器人教育的立体化教材进行了设计和开发。

    At the current situation the lack of relevant research , the Robotics-primary education teaching materials for three-dimensional design and development .

  16. 大学英语立体化教材是信息时代的产物,是形式、内容和服务三方面的统一体。

    Being outcome of the advent of information era , dimensional college English learning material combines form , content and service together .

  17. 本文从立体化教材基本内涵出发,简述了立体化教材的特点和层次,分析在全面学分制模式的前提下,立体化教材建设的目标要求。

    The paper analyzes the objective requirements in making comprehensive construction of textbooks teaching materials under the premise in accordance with total credit system models .

  18. 旅游电子商务课程立体化教材结构设计高职教育旅游专业英语教材一体化建设初探

    The Solid Design for the Structure of Teaching Material of Electrical Business Curriculum of Touring Specialty ; Research to Accord English Textbooks in High Vocational Tourism College

  19. 目前已经出版的小学机器人教育教材寥若晨星,大部分还停留在说明书教材的水平上。第二,对立体化教材进行概述。

    Primary Robotics education teaching materials , which almost have not been published , mostly remain at the level of specification materials . Second , it summarizes three-dimensional materials .

  20. 教材建设和改革是课程教学改革的基础,认真搞好以精品课程建设为目标的立体化教材建设具有十分重要的意义。

    Textbook construction and reform is the foundation and core of teaching reform , do a good course under construction as the goal of three-dimensional teaching materials is of great significance .

  21. 在项目化课程理念指导下,参与设计并实际开发了义务教育《信息技术》立体化教材。4.应用实例的设计。

    Under the guidance of projects-based curriculum ideas , the writer participated in the design and develop the IT integrated teaching materials of compulsory education . ( 4 ) Application instance design .

  22. 研究性学习方式强调学习者亲历知识的探究过程,有利于创新型人才的培养,而立体化教材是支持教与学活动的整体解决方案的资源体系。

    Research learning emphasizes on the learners ' participation in knowledge inquiry , which is conducive to the cultivation of innovative talents . Integrated teaching materials are the resources of integrated solution to support teaching and learning activities .

  23. 教师除了加强监督以外,更重要的在于在教学中要引起这部分学生的注意并提醒学生完成学习任务;教师还要指导学生如何使用立体化教材。

    Besides of strong supervision , the more important factor is teachers should arouse attention of students , and remind students to complete the learning task . Teachers also should direct students how to use stereoscopic teaching materials .

  24. 为适应职业教育人才培养的新要求及数学教学课时的变化,提出了开发和应用高职高等数学立体化教材的基本设想,以逐步实现教师教学方式与学生学习方式的转变。

    The development and application of stereoscopic teaching materials in higher vocational colleges is proposed to adapt to the new requirements of vocational education and the changes of teaching hours for mathematics , and to realize the transformation of teaching approaches and learning methods .

  25. 本论文通过文献研究、访谈、对比分析等研究方法,对国内外的智能机器人教育进行了较全面的分析和研究,提出了设计与开发小学机器人教育立体化教材的研究设想。

    In his paper , through different research methods such as literature research , interviews , comparative analysis , I analyze and study comprehensively intelligence Robotics education both at home and abroad and suggest designing and developing three-dimensional Robotics teaching materials about the primary education .

  26. 基于计算机和课堂的大学英语多媒体教学模式,是大学英语教学改革的一项核心内容,而基于先进的教学思想和教学策略的立体化教材则是多媒体教学成功的保证。

    The new college English teaching model based on the computer and the classroom is a key element in college English teaching reform , and its success is largely dependent on the textbooks with multimedia CD-ROMs designed from the light of advanced teaching ideology and teaching methodology .

  27. 作为立体化教材、教育资源重要组成部分的学具教具不同与其他产品,它是与青少年健康成长,与为国家培养新世纪建设者密切相关的特殊商品。

    As an important part of tri-dimensional textbooks and other education resources , different from other products , learning utensils and teaching aids are special commodities that are closely related to the growth of children and youth and the education of our nation 's 21st century 's workers .

  28. 两套教材是现代信息技术结合的立体化大学教材。

    Both of them are three dimensional textbooks that combine the technology and information .

  29. 立体化精品教材是一种新型的整体教学解决方案,是教材建设的一种创新,引领了教材建设的新观念、新思想。

    The building of integrated teaching material , a solution to macro teaching , is an innovation accompanied by new concepts and new ideas .

  30. 应针对性地选取符合专业培养目标的体操教材,使体操教材朝向个性化方向发展,并拓展多层次、多媒体等立体化网络教材。

    So we should appropriately select the gymnastics teaching material in accord with the specialized training goal , which makes gymnastics teaching material development towards " personalized " . 3 .